Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
Edited by chittyshwimp: 2/11/2015 8:15:44 PMBack in kindergarten (yes, I remember because this was my first time feeling the need to truly facepalm), 3 of my classmates (we were seated in groups of four) argued with me that 30+30=60. I had them write and solve 3+3. I then added the zeroes into the completed equation. They argued that it didn't work that way. I then showed them with a calculator. Still didn't believe me. We asked the teacher. They said she was wrong too I wanted to facepalm so -blam!-ing hard. Edit: they were trying to argue that 30+30=80
Back in kindergarten (yes, I remember because this was my first time feeling the need to truly facepalm), 3 of my classmates (we were seated in groups of four) argued with me that 30+30=60. I had them write and solve 3+3. I then added the zeroes into the completed equation. They argued that it didn't work that way. I then showed them with a calculator. Still didn't believe me. We asked the teacher. They said she was wrong too I wanted to facepalm so -blam!-ing hard.
Edited by -Skyguy-: 2/9/2015 3:50:41 PMThe dumbest things I hear "oh that guy he's a fag" I hate the word fag. Makes you sound so unintelligent.
My kindergarten teacher taught a song about vowels this way: A E I O U[spoiler]and sometimes Y and W[/spoiler] ????
Did anyone fall for this when they were younger: Teacher: "what's heavier 100 kg of feathers, or 100 kg of bricks". We all thought bricks lel
"I thought chocolate milk came from brown cows." -girl in my chemistry class
My band teacher ." Who play the D? You need to go like unh unh unh." I walked out of the room like." Oh god."
History teacher: "Explain the Monroe Doctrine." Guy:"So like this like thing happened like in like 1812 so like James Monroe like signed this paper that like stopped like people from like other countries to come to like America and like live here to like protect like all of the people in like America." True story
Friend: *Bored in drama so starts ripping pages out of a random notebook* Teacher: WHY ARE U RIPPING PAPER OUT OF MY NOTEBOOK!!!!!! Friend:*In shock* Friend: Uh...To practice my math.(complete lie) Me: Face Palm Best Friend: Looks at me and died of laughter.
Some rather lackadaisical gentlemen told me the Cheshire is no longer prominent in the whimsy. Oh what churlishness. Woe is me to think this ooh. It matters not for this is all in the past. Good day fine forum.
My friend is in 10th grade and he doesn't know where babies come from, tried to convince him and teach him but he refuses to learn. And when I asked him how do babies come, he answered when the parents love eachothers alot, god blesses them with a child. [spoiler]Face motherf*cking palm[/spoiler]
"Two states legalized marijuana: Colorado and Washington. " Kid: "Yeah, and Denver." ...
"I don't believe in dinosaurs, they're a myth." I proceeded to facedesk.
Gastric fluids in testicles not intestine
Are you peanut butter and jealous? Had to put up with that bullshit for two weeks.
I argued with my science teacher about galaxies. She says they don't move. I laugh my head off and proceed to disagree. XD 8th grade science :')
The stupidest thing huh? Let's see here: Swag, yolo, and hashtag. Yep I think I summed it up.
"You think you're going to be able to curse like that when you get out into the workforce?!" The workforce turned out to be way, way more vulgar than I could ever hope to be.
"If I came in a girls mouth can she get pregnant?" In FRESHMAN YEAR!! [spoiler]face floor [/spoiler]
During Freshman year: A friend told me,"I'm gonna get so drunk!" During PE they did drink and were stumbling, vomiting and fighting...
She can read that in half an hour no I change that to 30 minutes
"Now today class we are doing algebra"
Your mum
Atlanta is the capital of Georgia [spoiler]I wonder how many will actually get this[/spoiler]
Someone thought world war 2 was modern warfag 2[spoiler]even after I explained it to him[/spoiler]
"You need to know about US history" or Or OR [b]OR[/b] we could learn about other countries you bumbling twats.