Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
Edited by Hydrus: 1/24/2015 3:36:39 AMOne of my friends said Freddy fazbear pizzeria is real, and I kept saying it's not and it's fake but he kept yelling out NO ITS REAL ITS IN UTAH!!! Freddy fazbear pizzeria is from, Five nights at Freddy's. It's truly fake
Hey we're playing together!
This was on a government mandated test: "Sally's computer is broken so she orders a new one online..." The rest was math that I don't remember but really?
Ok this is in highschool "There is no security camera's around" says well let's call him bob "Ok" says let's call him mark "Let's smoke this weed right under that camera" let's call this guy john "Lol morons" me I walk away [spoiler]*facedesk*[/spoiler]
why did the dinosaurs die out
[quote]The thing I heard is from a 13 year old girl saying " I'm pregnant "[/quote] A bit older, like 14/15 but still.
The thing I heard is from a 13 year old girl saying " I'm pregnant "
Ok so in the 8th grade we are about leave school the final announcement come on and our principle is talking about weather and he says we have a 60% percent chance of being snowed out of school but that mean we have a 30% chance of coming to school and I'm sitting In math class and my teacher is like man I should be principle this guy is stupid
If there isn't any female mountain lions around could the male mountain lion just mate with deer because there is a lot of them"
Edited by Brumak Launcher: 12/8/2014 2:45:32 AMhere ya go...
Lindas sucha a whore loik oi meh gaed
Probably the stupidest thing I've heard in college so far: We had a test, and one guy in the class cheated by using his phone to look up some of the answers. One question in particular was "What does PLA stand for?" (Programmable logic array), to which he wrote, straight from google, "People's Liberation Army". Like seriously, it's a test on Digital Systems...
God exists[spoiler]Lol the bait is real[/spoiler]
Answering questions in Science after learning about speed, distance, time, and acceleration (8th grade). Teacher," Albert, Bob, and Charlie are in a race (shows graph) who won?" Kid," Uhh, Charlie?" Teacher," Ok, to win a race you need to be faster right? So whoose time is faster (Albert's time is CLEARLY marked as the lowest time, and Charlie has the hightest time)" Kid,"Uhh, Charlie?" Me,"*Faceplam*" [spoiler]He isn't very sharp[/spoiler]
If you jizz during anal you can get her pregnant
Shrek is love shrek is life
Wat is dewritos?
My favourite question of all time: "Sir, it's 2005, does that mean the earth is 2005 years old?" Literally dumber than spit.
One kid said that San Francisco was on an island in 10th year
My friend said all Asians have time machines oh god...
Some realy dumb girl : england is the capital of london.
I think everything
Blood is blue when its in your veins
What's the difference between gooses and geeses? This was in college btw
"Japan didn't deserve to get bombed by America in World War 2". Yeah, I was in a Japanese class chock full of weabs for 2 years.