Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
The teacher said: Clouds are made of ice, it's a miracle that we could go through them
How could someone not know that China is the capital city of Japan? So stupid. There was a girl who used to say a lot of dumb stuff, but to be honest I found her pretty adorable for it. Can't remember jack of what she said though.
Teacher: Name a country please Grace. Grace: Africa!
Girl in my class in high school asked if water had calories and also if you have to go through the atmosphere to get to space.
Edited by naomiesterm: 1/7/2015 8:10:58 AMI'm a sophomore in college. ( I am also Korean) my suite mate who is also a sophomore asked me what I was and I told her. She says "wait I thought you were Asian" I then had to explain to her that all Koreans were Asians but not all Asians are Korean
At lunch one of my friends was trying to tell us that the juice boxes were free. So to prove it he goes up and takes one. Lunchlady is just like, "you gonna pay for that?"
"Guys, do birds have legs?"
Edited by Jimblor: 1/6/2015 5:30:03 AMI cant remember what it was that i heard, but for the love of god it was funny, so funny that the teacher had to stop the class until i finished laughing so hard. Im pretty sure the only reason i didnt get kicked out because the teacher knew how dumb the question was! It was in parenting class, and had something to do with babies. I really wish i didnt smoke so much pot then(and now lol) so i could remember it. But alas all you guys have to go on is my word! Haha
My friend in 8th grade art class: "what's ejaculate mean?" Me: "are you -blam!-ing serious"
Edited by gillybot9: 1/6/2015 5:54:55 AMSo, being an atheist I did not find it offensive, but stupid. Kid turns to me after a heated discussion with his stupid friend Kid: hey Jesus was white right?? Me: Well... Um... One I'm an atheist and two, He was born no where near white civilization according to my Cristian friend... So no.... Kid turns back to friend Kid: TOLD YOU HE WAS WHITE. I had to stop and comprehend how stupid this man was. [spoiler]PS: this is not bashing religious people just to be clear [/spoiler]
A girl asked if the Declaration of Independence was rewritten after the Revolution.
Edited by Griyff: 1/6/2015 5:22:09 AMSome kid asked what fapping meant.... A person told him.... And he started to cry (True story)
"Africa is not in Europe?" - a girl in my 8th grade US history class
"You can see wind" "Zero isnt a number"
When you fart, your genitalia will get hard. Health class fact. Lol
What's 10 + 9? 21? Suddap
*slut girl in health class one day* "Can you get pregnant off of a blow job?"
Edited by Thejuicemann: 1/5/2015 8:54:02 PMEvery thing in school is stupid
Your going to feel a little prick.
I heard from my teacher that those who think 9/11 didnt happen like we were told are as crazy as those who think we staged the moon landing. Anyone who looks at 9/11 carefully cant deny the lies
"No, no, no, whales are fish." "The sea is made of dinosaur spit?!" "When does it snow on the sun?" "Wait, the KKK are racist?!" *we were looking at a political cartoon from 2006* "That's Obama!"
I heard people claiming Evolution and Gravity as fact. Loll
Edited by KrankReality: 1/4/2015 11:33:18 PM"If you have AIDS and have sex with someone and give it to them, do you not have AIDS anymore?" "Is milk calcium?" Edit: "If stupid in spanish is stupido, dummy must be dummydo!"
[i]talking about the huge fires after the devastating earthquake in San Fransisco around early 20th century[/i] Teacher- "The flames cause massive explosions to some local buildings and homes, and large portions of the city engulfed in fire". Dumb Kid- "Why didn't 911 show up?"
My substitute teacher, when I was talking about clash of clans,"Here guys, I'll also check my cock."
Some dumb girl: What's a wrench? Is that some kind of well?