Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
Destiny will be a "game changer" over the next 10 years.
6th grade I heard about "the big earthquake" I went home and told my dad and he said that he heard that in middle school too. 9 years later... still no quake
"I'm a christian and cannot have sex... but anal is fine"
If a plane crashed in florida. Where do you bury the survivors?
We have the bible that's enough proof gods real
This girl called Lily in my maths class thought that Ireland was bigger than Russia
Dumbest topic brought up by the teacher- raise your hand if you believe in god.... then, raise your hand if you don't... what a -blaming- can of worms that opened up...
Stupid kids response to the teacher asking him to read " I don't know how to read"
Asians are subtle Blacks are superior You know, liberal stuff since I come from a very liberal state.
Can hulk pick up Thor's hammer? This went on for 20 minutes i was one of the many bystanders
"Isn't 5 feet 10 inches actually 6 feet?"
Year 9 kid threatening me by saying "I'll stab you, my dad has a gun" *facepalm* really kid? Really?!
7th grade some girl asked if Italy was in America. Good thing she's cute.
Edited by Fusjansu: 12/28/2014 3:11:29 AM7th Grade Teacher is doing the world's smallest violins thing Girl asks: Are you making your fingers softer? [spoiler]Her excuse was the lotion in the classroom...[/spoiler]
That Christanity is a thing.
"hey dude do you still have that tattoo?"
My friend said Texas was a continent in n 6th grade and he wasn't joking.
Wow, this thread is a cesspool of bigotry.
"there's no such thing as orange, only dark yellow"
Something stupid in every social studies class. "I thought Africa was a country" "Aren't there 51 states?" "Why didn't we just nuke em?" "Where's Hong Kong?" "The president is the legislator" I can go on forever
One the first day of school my teacher had three girls answer a question: "When was the War of 1812?" [spoiler]only one got it right [/spoiler]
We were having a debate over whether abortion should be legal and a girl stood up and said that babies of rapists will also become rapists. She went on to explain that genes from the rapist would then be present in the baby, making the baby a rapist. It was literally the craziest most twisted thing I've ever heard anyone say.
i watched a kid jerk off in the bathroom.
>In health learning about food groups and eating healthy. >Girl sees food pyramid. >Teacher explains that fats are important in a healthy diet. >Girl says: that is wrong because all fats are bad make you fat.
I would have made her day HELL MUAHAHAHA