Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
Santa doesn't exist.
7th grade history class we were talking about conflicts in the Middle East and one kids was like "Why can't we just drop a bomb on them."
Teacher: What is milk made out of? Students: lactose, etc. That One Guy: DAIRY. (Completely serious too) Me and my tablemates facepalmed in unison.
Some kid said "why is there a dark side of the moon?" 11th grade btw.
A kid in English class asked the teacher this. "Why is we in English class when we know how to talk English"
"How are volcanoes formed?" "Hot and cold water." *facepalm*
There was once a rumour going around at school, that I was home schooled and I got told it.... At school ?
We were watching a video in history about Pearl Harbor and some girl said, "Hey, isn't that where the Boston Tea Party happened?"
Edited by Kweh: 12/25/2014 7:09:00 AMThat a job is guaranteed when you graduate, since a degree is a must. A 32 year old girl asked me what a continent was the other day. She's lucky she's hot.
Texas borders Canada
Some person asked what country was hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup -_-
*the tuesday before thanksgiving* "Wait so do we have class on Thursday or no?"
You saying stupidest.
" I heard that Lake Georges water is warm during the winter so I want to go there because I never been to the ocean"
A girl in ag asked if chickens had four legs
Edited by MisterPugly: 12/19/2014 12:24:19 AMMy teacher asked me who assassinated JFK Me - "Lee Harvey Oswald?" Teacher - "Wrong, that's what they want you to think." Continued on about some goverment conspiracy rant for the next 2 days.
You're going to need to know how to write in cursive as an adult
"Do Russians have their own language?"
Someone was having trouble reading the word "illiterate" in their book. (Freshman year)
Teacher: "on this heat map, why is the airport hotter?" Girl in my class: "is it because the tourists are still hot from the other countries"
"God exists right" G8 b8 m8 inbound followed by a flame war than someone will call other gay and puppies will fly around the sun an orbital fashion.
"What was Hitler's surname?"
Junior year in the morning just as the bell rang for first period, my friend asks me what period is it right now?
We had a sub and the class had free time. We were all just chilling and weren't even being loud. Our sub just looks up and yells at the top of her lungs,"WHY ARE YOU ALL YELLING!!!" She then continued to text on her phone. That's literally the only thing she did and she subbed for two days straight.
There's this kid at our school who is a major DOUCHEBAG we think he's retarded to here are a few things he's said "The sun isn't the center of space earth is" "Your balls don't drop during puberty" "No sperm is made in the penis the balls are just the weak-spot just like boobs are for girls" "Tan is a race" What also sucks he gets a F on every test the teachers don't want to deal with him so he doesn't get held back either he had to go to the old middle school which is kinda like the special ed/attention place the other thing is he's what we call "to plump to jump" he can't to jumping jacks jump rope or sit ups so in P.E we have to do the workout multiple times because of him