Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
"I hate school..."
"Is Iceland like a glacier or something?"
Edited by benv98: 12/9/2014 2:37:46 PMIdiot in my Spanish class sits through a week of class, takes the test and bombs it and blames it on the teacher for not answering his questions. HE NEVER RAISED HIS HAND OR SAW THE TEACHER AFTER CLASS!!!!!!!
Ireland is not an island.
*in car talking about the alamo* Little sister says "isn't that when there's ice cream on pie?" *same car same day talking about cataracts* Same sister says "isn't that a car?"
bump for stupidity
Someone thought Alaska was a country.
Edited by formwaves: 12/8/2014 6:06:51 PM-GCSE English Language class 2 years ago. -We are studying use of metaphor in journalism. -Set an article which describes the queue outside midnight launch of the final Harry Potter book as a "teenage human centipede". -Teacher is oblivious to the laughter, unaware of the film, thinks it is some kind of fantasy creature. -She asks "and where would you expect to find a human centipede?" -Friend next to me answers "in Germany." -Teacher looks confused, everyone laughing. Edit: Oh and my History class last year, Slightly-Backward-Tim asked (when discussing responsibility for the Holocaust): "I know this may sound a bit wrong... Could we... Could we blame the Jews?"
A kid said I can't see, I'm deaf "runs into wall"
me: do you belive in aliens some class member: nah me: *facepalms inside*
Today she asked what 5+3 was
Once someone tried to convince me that your Mom is a girl. I proved them wrong [i]big time.[/i]
Girl in astronomy class suggests we invest in space travel because earth is flying away from the sun. I almost walked across the room and slapped her
"Eli is so hot" That guy is such an idiot.
"You need to use cursive anytime you turn something in in high school"
Herpes isn't spread through blood, and most people already have it anyways. That freshman was smarter than you...
7th grade. My teacher and a girl in my class get into a fight over the shapes of garden.
>Philosophy >God blah blah blah >One girl speaks >did God have a father? >Awkward silence >Not sure if serious.jpg.
I'm so excited about this one has ever happened to me that the government to be able too many things
The lunch is healthy.
That atheon could beat chuck Norris with his hands tied behind his back lol
My teacher asked if anyone's been outside the country and a girl replies, "I've been to buffalo." I'm from the the U.S. And Buffalo is a city in New York...
"Wait, the Underground Railroad wasn't underground?" A senior said this.
Japan isnt a part of China?!
Oh man I think I have the whooping cough *Exaggerated fake coughing sounds* WhoooopWhoopWhoopWhoopWhoopWhoopWhoop