PvE players are fgts, so they probably would enjoy getting -blam!-ed
Huh, I guess not all $h!+ sinks to the bottom of the cesspool. Kindly go back to join your ilk down below.
LOL, u guiz are retards, look at my character and activities. Too easy to rile up, i actually think the PvP content is retarded. > Kindly go back to join your ilk down below. Wat u did there i liek
So you've never done the raid? A strike? How about a patrol? You sound like a -blam!-. I do both so no one can tell me shit. All of you get over yourselves. It's a video game.
LOL, u guiz are retards, look at my character and activities. Too easy to rile up, i actually think the PvP content is retarded.