Please re-read what I said (I'm not being a smart a$$, I just think you're missing my point).
I'm saying that being able to buy then sell for currency plus rep is not right.
I also said that I myself made use of selling mats for currency and rep, and recognized that the buff applied to all equipped gear, just like Vanguard bounties, when turned in.
In the end, I think we would have to agree to disagree. I just think it's wrong to be able to buy crucible XP without having set foot in the crucible. Which I know, is odd, considering my stats, but comes more from my days as a game designer.
I understand what you're saying. What I'm saying is, the amount of xp one could accumulate is not enough to make it worth taking away the ability to get the marks from mats, at least in my opinion. If it makes you happy, I definitely agree with you that removing the xp part of the system would make it easier to justify putting in both trade systems, but then once again you are penalizing honest players not trying to cheat the system, just looking to get a little extra love when they turn mats in like they used to get. There's no really good answer.
Edited by Noctroglyph: 12/8/2014 5:46:46 AMI hear you. And I solution in this game is ever universally liked (grin). If only all conversations could be this civil, here. Great chatting with you, mate.