Making Xbox user wait almost a year to play and/or use content is ridiculous. You need to change that right. I can wait a month or 2; even 6 but a year is completely unreasonable, especially if I paid for it. I am a die hard bungie fan, owning and loving all of your halo games. Bungie, you are the most trustworthy developers and will listen, take in as consideration, and try to make a change. For all users who want their voices heard about this and all other time exclusives:
Gamer tag
Reasonable time to wait for exclusives
How you feel about it.
As far as I know, Xbox is lucky to even have the game. I thought the whole game was going to be playstation exclusive until so many people started complaining. And the guy saying playstation fanboys need to get off their high horse, you're funny. I think this whole situation is funny. Xbox kids were and still whine all the time about Halo and what not. The second Sony starts getting some balls and forking out money, Xbox kids start crying. From a different point of view it is unfair. But it's also unfair that Xbox has halo, left for dead, gears, and now Halo 5, titanfall, sunset overdrive, ryse, dead rising. Now maybe exclusive games are a bad point here because playstation also has some good ones. A better point would be Xbox always getting cod and battle field maps early. All I can say is Sony must have paid a hefty amount. With that being said, there is nothing Bungie can do. They aren't taking sides or trying to get back at Microsoft for whatever reason. They're simply doing what they were paid to do. I would also like to add that I may play on playstation but I'm not trying to diss all the Xbox gamers. To each his own. I only wish to point out that this stuff happens on both sides. It's all business in gaming today. Money talks my fellow gamers.