I don't even know how to reply to that *facepalm*
Yes. Yes they are
Racist and stupid We need to shoot that on
Edited by FallenAngel (Timelost): 12/29/2014 10:22:20 PMWanna go 2 Taco Bell call me I'm Carlos. :}D
Is that not the case?
For the most part yes but not entirely. This also, sort of, implies that all Mexicans are illegal immigrants.
Oh my...
Basically we love the Canadians
Do we really have to worry about Canadians crossing the border?
The will announce it first if they ever do
Wow that is mean but kinda funny
Did you slap the stoopid douche out of their seat?
I was tempted to, but at the same time I found it too comedic to do so, considering the fact that that person was mexican.
It's comic
Edited by God's Blindest Driver: 12/8/2014 5:25:34 AMBeing a Mexican myself, I think that's pretty funny in context
Being a non-Mexican, I don't get why it's significant what your ethnicity is LOL
[spoiler]because it's racist otherwise[/spoiler]