Making Xbox user wait almost a year to play and/or use content is ridiculous. You need to change that right. I can wait a month or 2; even 6 but a year is completely unreasonable, especially if I paid for it. I am a die hard bungie fan, owning and loving all of your halo games. Bungie, you are the most trustworthy developers and will listen, take in as consideration, and try to make a change. For all users who want their voices heard about this and all other time exclusives:
Gamer tag
Reasonable time to wait for exclusives
How you feel about it.
I FEEL GOOD ABOUT CAPITALISM To change this way of doing things so that everyone gets exactly the same thing and everyone is treated the same..... That is the communist way of thinking, would you be willing to give all your rights away so that you cant go on internet sites you want, buy anything you like, get a wage in a workplace that you deem is fair? It may not seem fair but you have a choice, if you dont like the choice you made choose again but in the end you get to choose be grateful for that right its awesome. To take away the right for these companies to compete in a open market that makes them try to get you the best content there is? BAD IDEA if they didnt have to compete why would they try to get better stuff no need to press so hard to be the best if there just gonna be the same. Sometimes the company you like will win sometimes they will lose. This is capitalism and it works well.