Every single thing this guy says as commentator is negative the moment you lose the lead.
From "You're falling behind" from being over taken, to "*SCREAMS* FIGHT BACK *PAUSE* CONTROL THE ZONES"
I would rather play Crucible with an option to turn this -blaming- idiot off and rather not know if we're winning or losing (Especially since i'm used to winning), but it just adds to the frustration when you constantly come across lag / fusion rifles where you can't do a thing. It puts your team and friends off because they all are already frustrated and everyone hears the same thing of this guy losing his shizz or jizzing that you're winning. A lot of times when losing and he opens his mouth saying something like "Looks like you've misjudged your enemy" and half the fireteam start screaming back into the mic STFU and focus on complaining about the voice over and stuff you just don't need to hear instead of playing the rest of the match
I cannot be the only one who thinks this is a put off PvP. And I bet i'm going to get attacked by people who don't bother looking at medals/stats before trolling, but that just goes to show Lord Shanxx has some nasty ancestors a few centuries back before he was born...
We had voice chat opt in due to other players abuse, why not Lord Shanxx!?