So from one of the recent news updates it states that there is better legendary gear coming to the Tower, will require a new currency to actually purchase, but basically it sounds like the reason for this is so people who aren't level 30 can get to it by purchasing this gear.
So is anybody out there upset at this? That the precious raid gear you spent numerous hours grinding in hopes Rng would bless you with can be equaled by vendor armor?
Note: this is under assumption that the gear does in fact get you to level 30, which I think is reasonable considering it is stated to be better, and the higher level requirement for the new raid would require everyone to grind VoG until they were acceptable level to even attempt Dark Below.
Edit: Some are saying the new gear will not just get you to 30 but actually 31 and will out class the VoG raid gear. Assuming this to be true what are your thoughts?
Edit 2: also add in the fact that night falls and weeklies will be boosted to level 30 to 'keep up' with the new gear and enemies.
Edit 3: Some people seem to be under the impression that I'm upset about this news and don't want it to happen. That is not the case, I merely wish to survey the community's response to this news, and if said response is negative, what individual people would rather see happen.
Lvl 31 most likely not, their not gonna let u be a level higher than the new raid of lvl 30, that would make it easier too beat...and they want u to suffer!!!