In middle school i was at a table with 3 really stupid girls. We were discussing what made things alive and not alive in class. When we were asked to discuss if ants were alive the girls at my table said they weren't alive because they were too small. But it doesn't end there. We also had to discuss if rocks were alive and this is where it gets extremely stupid. They thought rocks were alive because there were different types of rocks. The rest of the class wasn't much better because when yeast was brought up half of the class thought it wasn't a living thing. The next day we had a class discussion about if fire was alive or not.
Some more recent ones are:
"Dehydration is when you stop breathing because of water and drowning is when you don't drink enough"
"Mitosis is when cells move from place to place"
"Fossils are just man made art"
"What is a supplementary angle"
"America contains most of the world's population"
"Dead people have feelings too"
-dumb blond in my class
Heheh... Middle school. I just started that stage in life.
This is why the human race is dumb
you made me laugh so much i cant laugh anymore .-.
My brain hurts now.
Anyone remember the I think it was six traits that every living thing has to have. It was like: reproduction, homeostasis, cells, metabolism and 2 others
Edited by CoherentBadger: 12/9/2014 2:49:36 AMRespond to stimuli and growth? I dunno
Did i go like this? Kid 1: But but but, fire is alive. It make perfect sense! I mean, it requires energy right? It moves right? See it is alive. Kid 2: Is fire made of cells? Kid 1: It comes from wood, so it has to be made from cells, woof is made if cells! Kid 2: Fire is a gas, gases cannot have cells. Kid 1: Yes they can! Gas is atoms that float and move fast, those tiny bugs move fast! They all make up one bug! Kid 2: no they don't! Kid 1:I'll just ask the teacher. (Yells) Teacher is fire alive? Teacher: No.
Fire is a plasma.
Not quite but close. Teacher was having fun listening to the conversation so she kept the idiots going.
Well, show , see if they can notice anything off*. [spoiler] [i]*[b]HARBINGER[/b].[/i][/spoiler]