originally posted in:Knights of the Excalibur
Welcome to the Knights of the Excalibur weekly update! This week we are going over an interesting topic. Tomorrow, the dark bellow dlc comes out. It seems that most of us are getting the dlc, but for those who aren't, we will be running vault of glass and normal weeklies this week. Those of you getting the dlc, please to your first raid without me. I wish to be shown how to do it by you guys this weekend unless I can otherwise run a raid tomorrow. Pending further answers to a raid tomorrow. We have reached around 45 members already! Good job guys! Keep up the good work. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask. Other than that, I urge you to recruit more. The requirements for the clan are that you have to have a mic, and to be mature around people. That wraps up the weekly update I'll see you guys on playstation. -Brandon
I'm up for the Dark Below Raid. First time.
> Dark "bellow". XD Anyway, to top that off I'll be running Crota's End three times this week and running VoG for those that still need to run it. Crota's End raids will start at 1pm GMT tomorrow running through to whenever we finish the first raid.
Wish I could join you this weekend, got to work. I plan on trying Crota on Friday, if not then Monday. Looking to help for heroic daily and weekly this week.
I won't be running crota till this weekend due to work and I still need to run vog on normal and hard but good luck on new raid peeps