Bungie released two new updates within a week for Destiny and this is a true story, how it affected to some players. In this case to new players and those who had played a little bit longer...
Thanks for watching! Reading all feedback and ideas, please comment.
edit. Here is my previous funny short movie
If original video doesn't work: http://youtu.be/0crCh7vTW_I?list=PLQv-aeZseafo83vHUVLxjCbRCuBXRV8HW
I'm so pissed off - I have 17 maxed out exotics! What a waste of -blam!-ing time. Are Bungie going to give back all of the ascendant energy that i've been wasting upgrading these -blam!-ing things?? I'll expect a package with the postmaster in the next few days. Once again Bungie just pile in there without thinking OR asking the community (which they constantly bang on about in their "Two way street" videos) about the best way to do this! This could have been so easy, by only allowing maxed out exotics to be taken to the next level - that way, the players that have been grinding out would have at least felt that all the effort was worthwhile. This is Bungie rewarding the new players and shafting those that have stuck with this game since the start - #10 year plan