Honestly, I've never seen a bigger bunch of crying babies. Every other post on this forum is just some obnoxious white privileged 17 year old, crying and whining over nothing!
"Bungie lied! There's no story, they promised me 3 missions that were SUPOSED to be 100 hours of extra play! >:( "
Ugh, no they didn't. Bungie has been pretty clear on what to expect from this dlc, every bit of it. These missions introduce new game mechanics and are all unique.
"The vanguard gear gets you to lvl 31?!? >:( but I spent time getting the old raid gear and now it's useless rojsjwuejsb7:!$3&;)!: "
Oh no! Not an MMO aspect in an MMO style FPS! There's a new raid, with new gear. The vanguard gear can't get you to max lvl, calm down. If you're mad you get to play more and do more, I just don't understand why you are alive.
"Commendations?! You mean I have to play the game and do bounties to level up my rank so I can buy gear/weapons? I wanted everything handed to me on a silver platter, and it's so unfair to people who have already levels up their rank >:("
These people are the most stupid. Now instead of spending marks on guns you can spend them on Mats to upgrade you're guns! Also, it's not like the rep needed to upgrade your rank increases every level, there is no unfairness at all, you're just lazy.
Seriously! Can't we just be happy that progress is being made every day, and it's pretty obvious that the Devs are listening to what we have to say. Don't believe me? I guarantee you we will have a vault expansion within a week. Why? Because that's an actual problem, and we the players have requested it!
Forever better than you, ~Fear
Maybe you should stop reading the feedback forums. Bungie took their money, they have every right to express their dissatisfaction with what they paid for.