Perhaps, the exos are part of the warminds controlled by Rasputin BUT because of either the Exos "deaths" or the destruction of the Warminds they are no longer linked. Even though they aren't connected to the Warminds any more the core principles of combat are programs and commands from the Warminds?
The original Exos could have been built for maintenance but were then used by the warminds to actually combat the Darkness? If the Warminds were incapable of moving then maybe the Exo's were used as drones to actually fight?
I could be wrong as I'm throwing this out there. Feel free to let me know what you all think.
Could explain the stranger
Aye, maybe she was one of few exos who survived the collapse hence why she has no ghost. I personally think (with the cutscene where she talks to people not there) that she is one of a group of exos who survived the collapse and work from a jumpship and attack the darkness from within the dark of space
Maybe the Exos are the Vex in the future
Maybe, and the reason the Vex want to write themselves into the universe is a result of old exo programming being corrupted or something?
Obviously the Vex only want to write themselves into the universe to help accomplish their goal of complete domination of the cosmos. However, the rest of that theory is perfectly plausible... ...I might consider tying that theory and the theories in the replies so far into my own. Would you mind?
Are you talking to Bullgod or me? If you are asking me, I say go for it. I like the idea of my comment being built into theory about this world.