Hey there folks, i'm sure everybody's excited about this new raid that finally dropped. Played with some friends, seems very fun. But a good amount of players do have a hard time of getting people together to play, especially on the 360. So when you all need players, post up in here and find other well-versed raid players who can help. I am always up to help people with raid (30 hunter, 30 warlock), wether it be normal or hard. Let's hook up our fellow 360 folks, so we can all be like Based God.
Just state your:
Type of player you are
And checkpoints if you want to share
z ShaDoW v
Hunter, warlock
30, 30
Support, OBJ, Slayer, Defender
Whatever checkpoint
Happy raiding folks
Lvl 30 hunter both subclasses maxed have mic looking to start at crota have checkpoint GT-Grizzy6277
31 warlock with crota check point Looking to beat him again with experienced players. Invite geesolo
fresh crota end raid need 4 players level 30 or 31 preferably have gjallahorn and icebreaker know how to use sword MSG GT: CFC x SHERLZ
Currently looking for people WhiteRakshasa Hunter 31 Support/Slayer
Looking for 4 people have crota checkpoint lvl 30 9r higher please
Ok so I need 2 lv 30s and 3 lv 31s to complete Crotas end, I am at crota cp. Msg me for quick invite if I don't respond either I filled the team up or I join another team. Pls wait to gather team mates if you leave before its assembled it will take forever. Msg me with what lv you are if you don't I will most likely ignore it. Take you kindly.
Lvl 31 warlock looking to kill crata real quick xbox 360 Gt : sik individual1
Lvl 30 gt is dasandval lf fresh crota
Looking for team to join. 30 hunter gt is same
Looking for 1 more person for Crota's End from totem checkpoint. Message xHeartlessMike on 360.
Looking for 5 level 30's for bridge checkpoint. Must be persistent (not prone to rage quitting) and have decent amount of time on your hands. Message GT Poeghostz.
Got 5 level 30's looking to do crotas end raid we have final boss save need a lvl 31. Lots of raid xP and mics, know how to play smart. Gt is the same as the name above ^
]Lvl 30 titian with Crota cp looking for a raid team gt same
Hosting A Group Raid On Crotas End -Im At Crota Just Have To Kill Him -Level 30 Only -Got To Have Experience -Got To Have A Mic -GT: WXVY Creator (Message Me If You're Interested) -Also know what the hell your doing
Lvl 30 titan. Looking to join a group for fresh Crotas end raid. 30+ This is my third character to beat it. Message or invite o Charming o
Goonhead2399 lvl 30 titan looking to play new raid played it before very experienced
]Lvl 30 titian with Crota cp looking for a raid team gt same
Looking for people experienced for defeating Crota need one lvl 30+
30 titan for fresh crota
Looking for fresh crota raid inv: z shadow v
Need to get team together for Croata the boss battle