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12/9/2014 10:31:43 PM

Ur a bunch of jerks

I am never going to buy a downloadable game again thanks to u. Now I know why mote then half my friends sold this game. U make a game that u can't enjoy unless ur with people to play u can't beat like raids that are bull shit and when u do play them and beat them 1 out of six players get stuff was in the raid countless times and get nothing but shards and energy but yet u want to put everything to 30. There is so much I want to list complaints that would have me here for hour. I wish I could get a refund on this game I got jacked by spoiled brats that get mad if u beat it to fast, find a glitch or a better way to get shards or what not ur a joke. U will nurf guns but won't fix getting stuck on every little rock in the game. Merry ducking Xmas money grubbing spoiled rich brats

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