Yes. I would like to purchase items from vendors I do jobs for in patrol. Like the other replies said, at the very least allow the factions to accept both marks. We do jobs for them and rank up rep in PvE but we can't purchase stuff from them unless we play PvP. Seems dumb. I also never saw one complaint or post about how that alternative option from day 1 was ruining the game. All it provided was a reward system to those of us who enjoyed farming. You know, the same enjoyment some of you find doing PvP. We hardly exploited anything. For those who keep saying raid gear is da bomb. If you haven't noticed fully upgradable raid gear gets you 30 light. Faction gear not upgraded gives you 31 light.
Why not just play pvp? I mean, they are pvp marks.
Probably the same reason some don't farm. It isn't enjoyable with the modes they have so far. Maybe if they added so variety other than maps I would. CTF, huge maps, NPC enemies, mission based themes. More variety like Halo and RFoM had. If they would award 10 marks per win and 4 per loss I would too. It takes too much time to max out on marks in PvP when you don't find any joy in playing that. It's great they added an alternative to farming. Just don't understand why make farming basically obsolete if some of us enjoyed doing it.