originally posted in:Old Man Clan
Crota's End raid Friday 12/12/2014 at 10:30pm GMT.
Level requirement is 30.
Please let me know if you are interested in joining us.
Kroddis - Warlock
Sugacoma - Hunter
Lord_Dawkins - Warlock
Doctorstevil - Hunter
Ultradisco - Warlock
El_Pinko - Warlock
Hey Guys, Wondering if anyone is free to raid again this week. I'd like to complete Crota's End this week if possible. Am free on Saturday and Sunday evening if anyone's up for it.
Good attempt guys. When do we plan to play the rest of the raid from the checkpoint?
Hey Guys, I really want to complete the weekly strike before we do the Raid. Hope to be on about 9pm tomorrow if anyone want's to join in!
Hey man if you are still in need I'm game. That would be somewhere around 2:30 my time so I'll be there.
Hello kroddis Think you are full but if anyone drops out I am around from 7pm
Didn't realize it was GMt I might be able to jump in but I'd say consider me as more of an alternate. I'm gonna get my Titan to 30 for the raid specifically.
Edited by AngelusQuest: 12/10/2014 9:37:58 PMI should be up to 31 by friday, if not I'll still be high 30. Let me know if you need someone. I'd love to finish it, only made it to the Deathsinger checkpoint. PSN AngelusQuest - Warlock
I'd like to run with you guys but I'm a 30 warlock, if you need a titan I understand.
If we can try and get a Titan with Helm of Saint 14 or whatever it is called, it will make the Gatekeeper part quite a bit easier, though it is not the end of the world. I think the bubble will be very valuable though.
Hey Kroddis, would love to join you guys for this. Still got my Lvl 30 Warlock with maxed out Vex ready to go. Should have the Dark Below story missions done by then.
Also, any idea what level people will be on Friday night? We found it quite difficult with lvl 29's on stage 2 and I think it will be impossible at stage 3/4 as mobs are level 32 and one hit level 30s.
If you end up with 2 spaces on the night give me a shout, my Titan should be 30 by then along with my mate's Warlock (probably 31). I have the Helm on my Titan to blind those within it if that helps.
Sweet! I'm in. Also agree a Titan might be useful.