originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
How many people hear have deconstruct something by mistake wish ledendry had a long time on it
What's needed is a checkbox on favorite weapons to make them protected. They cannot be deconstructed with it checked. It would prevent these types of accidents.
Deconstructed my only legendary secondary weapon I ever had to date (shot gun). Not paying attention. I figured it out at the last second and thought I tokk my finger off the button in time but it was gone. I received my first exotic bounty and I selected the one for the fusion rifle. I spent most of my glimmer last night on rare fusion rifles from the gunsmith. Now I need 200 kills with a fusion rifle in nightfall. I am not a high enough level to run a nightfall (level 27 hunter) but I am hoping I can launch it, kill a few, die, and repeat.
I dismantle fully leveld grim citizen well anoyed since it was a ingramdrop with good perks
My fully leveled Lord High Fixer. It was after a night of late PvP sessions. I was sleepy and was dismantling Rare weapons from match rewards, fell asleep with my finger on the X button and BAM! It seems that I moved the cursor on to the next item before waking back up... Could have been much, much worse (Thorn, Last Word, Suros, Fatebringer...) but it still hurts.
Totally. My first raid armor drop in the VoG was a chest piece. I had a fully upgraded chest piece already and didn't realize the raid gear had higher light levels so I sharded it. Never got another chest piece.
Painfull jim
Yep! Been there but I deconstructed a Exotic, you may of heard called the G-horn! Yep shit is right, thank god I got another one from the Nightfall!