There is a large portion of people in the community that stockpile rare currency's between three characters, via shared vault space.
I think this is unfair to other players. Casual players specifically. Those of us that have a hard time putting together a team for weekly and raids.
I've actually had people drop from my fire team invite because they said that they had just farmed all the strange for the week with all three of their "toons." WoW!!!
Also if its such a horrible problem for people to farm materiIals for crucible points, then let's adress this double standard bungie.
So your saying just cause people can get stuff done faster than you or have more they should be penilized and stuck at the speed your at? Lol hell no I have to go to work and daily issues and I got a 30 warlock 25 hunter and a 6 titan. Bascily all this post is about is people don't play my way so its wrong.