Just wanted to sincerely thank BungieVision for practically curing me of my video game addiction. I finally realized that "make your own destiny" was really a fancy way of saying "get your lazy ass off the couch and go live life!".
Since I stopped playing Destiny (due to a combination of my boredom with the game and my xbox 360 overheating) I've finished half an album, gotten a part time job at my university, found a girl who I think I'm in love with, and finished the college semester with As on all my exams!
So thank you Bungie, for not only creating a game that could have ruined my life (but didn't, as it fell drastically short of your own hype) but for taking that extra step to ensure that whatever minuscule flame of desire I have left to play the game is repeatedly snuffed out by the remaining lack of content and rip off DLC (according to forbes and eurogamer).
Happy Holidays and may RNGeezus bless the rest of you until the House of Wolves consumes the last of your remaining hope ;)
The passive-agressiveness is real