originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Lvl 23 Titan really want a regular fire team to play with on most nights
[quote]Lvl 23 Titan really want a regular fire team to play with on most nights[/quote] Lvl 28 titan w/mic gt: Dirty Aaron
Im 28 titan and want a fireteam me xb1 gt is johncenaisbeast
I'll send you a friend request on xbox one
Add me if you like I'm on most days. Level 26 Warlock, have a mic.
Level 25 Hunter I won't be on much this weekend, but I'd really like to have some people to raid with. You can only do so much solo.
add me. 27 hunter. Im on almost every night
You can add me too pal. On most nights from around 6. Have a mic n I'm a lvl 26 hunter
You can add me im on almost every night Jeroensensation (26 Titan)