I'm glad to see that I'm not the only 1 that was pissed off by this. I'm now trying to get out of the habit of collecting all the mats I pass by while doing bounties or missions.
I don't like PvP, I'm no good at it at all and turn into a hive thrall (run about mindlessly screeching at walls) any time I do play it. By not participating in it I'm actually doing the destiny PvP community a public service, but the dev's seem to be trying to force every1 to play both PvP and PvE. They started with the exotic bounties, then with the iron banner lvl 30 gear carrot on a stick, now they are removing any other way to get crucible marks and have also made factions practically pointless to me. I don't mind missing out on PvP items as it's my choice not to play it. What really grinds my gears tho, is that I'm now at the stage I will have to start throwing away mats. How daft is this... Weapon parts and class upgrade mats you can stack as much as u like, but relic iron and the likes of u can only stack 200, and with inventory/vault space being non-existing, I now have spirit blooms sprouting outa ma arse. They should let players sell mats to other players. 10 marks crucible/vanguard for 20 mats. Even making it a fixed trade amount so as not to start bidding wars. Just let me do something other than throw them away...
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