One guardians expansion is another guardians contraction
I was waiting until I could try the new changes out for myself before providing feedback but since I don't have the DLC it seems I'm not even allowed to try out the changes so I'll have to make some assumptions, my Playstation Plus membership runs out today and I will not be renewing as I only subscribe to play Destiny and I'm afraid I've had enough.
I'm not an elite Destiny player and I have never been on a raid, I'm happy to accept that as a casual player I will not be able to consume all the content and with no friends playing this game, raiding is out of the question unless I'm prepared to spend a large proportion of my spare time forming/waiting for fireteams (which I am not, I want to just play). This means my high end content is soloing the weekly strikes, which I enjoy and also need to do in order to get strange coins which are pretty much essential to progress my gear (since I won't be getting any decent gear from raids). So I solo the weekly at the (previously) highest level of 28, this gets me the coins but to date zero useful drops, in fact the only semi-decent drop I have obtain was from a tiger strike and this was "The Universal Remote" which I don't use in PvE as I like to work from range. I also attempt the nightfall solo but generally fail at the end boss, to date I have not managed to complete it so no 25% bonus for me.
I have been working on my equipment in order to facilitate this "end game" content, most of which is bought from the vanguard merchants in the tower but I've also used Xur to get an exotic helm and the IB to try to boost my level, currently I'm at 29 which (previously) put me one level ahead of the content I enjoyed. I nearly managed to max out the exotic scout rifle from Xur before the changes to shards but 7 strange coins is now a little expensive for me (though I could maybe dismantle the shotgun, but I do like collecting exotics :)) I have a maxed out legendary scout rifle, sniper rifle, rocket launcher and machine gun. But now these strikes have been upped to level 30, this immediately puts me a level below the content I wish to participate in (when I'm allowed to even run it) which seems like Bungie have set my progress back significantly. So how do I regain my position, well it looks like I'm going to have to get to level 31, this will involve buying 2 or 3 armour pieces from the vanguard merchant, this requires the new commendations which I can only get with rep (and remember I don't get 25% bonus each week). I've managed to get to rank 6 in the 3 months since release date so I would say I'm not going to get more than 1 commendation a week, and even if I could the limit on weekly marks is going to kick in. So I don't think I'm going to get more than 1 legendary item a week. I'll also need to replace my legendary weapons, at least 3 so I would say it's going to take me 5-6 weeks to get back to something like where I was before (this completely discounts the other legendary weapons I have for different damage types or the exotic scout rifle I'll need to level from scratch again, or the ascendant material I'm going to have to gather).
Bungie, I'm afraid I'm not prepared to grind this much just to get back to where I was previously (and potentially again at 3 month intervals). I want DLCs to provide "new" content not push the old content further away from me.
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