So I log on today, for the first time since the DLC released, and I can't do anything....
The weekly heroic, Nightfall and DAILY heroic are all DLC so im excluded because I'm not getting it for 2 weeks.
Not only that, the vendors won't sell me
any gear because I don't have the DLC. What sort of money making, little guy pushing around bs is this?
I had read about the NF issues on the forums the last few days but vendors and even daily heroic? I am left only to do normal missions without any bonuses and grinding bounties again, only this time, there is no point in grinding. I can't spend any marks!!!!
This is ridiculous, I could play it last week but now I can't, they have taken away content we've already paid for!!
I was one of the people who praised this game to many others. I am seriously considering returning it for the first time
since I purchased it. I'm expecting to only get about £5 because the content I bought in the first place doesn't even exist.....
Anyone else feel as alienated a I do? This is an absolute farce.
*Edit* I am aware of the marks for vendor items now, but I would have still liked some of the older items still available so we could have been left the choice. With it without the same stat updates for aesthetic purposes, as it's content we already had and makes more of us unique rather than all wearing the same uniform.
I also have the expansion, just not until Christmas as a family member bought me it, otherwise I'd have it already, but my points still remain valid.
And peoples who buy it ??? No reward ??? No weekly (and even daily) ??? Had a Choice : Want to play a game ? or Not... So buy it, or not... Want a Pizza ? Prepaid a year for once a week ? And oh the new one with salad and mushrooms and... is not on the list ??? Oh poor little me, i can't have those ??? BUY IT !!! OR DON'T... THAT'S ALL !!! DLC is on store from the start, for those who said "i'm not quite sure, i don't buy now", now is now, they always have choice, and they made it ! Everybody make choice all the time ! Everybody has to grow up ! and stop complain... :) Like a great master said : "DO OR DO NOT, ... THERE IS NO TRY... !!!