This is getting very old, I have 3 other multiplayer games I play with no issues or disconnects, but this game still likes to do this crap almost every time I put it on. It's not every single time, but it still happens often enough that it's a definite issue. I've had the cable guys check our internet again and no problems with our lines. None whatsoever. Last night I was disconnected in the middle of every activity I played, about 5 minutes into it.
Hi FlyinHawaiian, I'm sorry for the repeated trouble connecting. Bungie is aware that, in some cases, network issues may be upstream from a home network and any configuration changes you can make will not resolve the underlying problem. We continue to investigate these scenarios and apologize for the inconvenience. As soon as we have more info to share, we will report back.
Bungie?? Anyone??
Baboons everywhere for me since the hot fix on Tuesday
Come on bungie, this is bullshit!
Same here. Baboons left and right.