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Edited by Lord Yesua: 12/15/2014 12:22:55 AM

Destiny DLC: A Disappointment

[b]Reflections of a Cheesed off Guardian[/b] We were told they were listening. We thought they would learn from their mistakes. The DLC has shown us that Bungie are not listening and didn't learn from their mistakes. The ‘story’ missions took about an hour to complete. That’s peanuts! They were set for the most part in the same old places and we found ourselves fighting the same old enemies. This 'expansion' feels more like an 'event'. [b]Chill out! What's the problem?[/b] This game lacks content, variety, and volume. It feels empty. Don’t get me wrong, [i]the shooting and graphics are awesome[/i]. But the lack of content and variety within this game make the grind unbearable. I enjoy RPGs. I don’t mind the grind (provided there is plenty of content), but in Destiny, the grind is a miserably, depressing joke. Not even Crota's scrota finds it funny. It is a hollow of a game. No wonder players began by shooting into a hole. It has the potential to be awesome but fails to deliver with the story and the variety of content. The grind would be almost bearable if they had given us 6 new PvP maps, 5 new strikes, 10 new story missions. Instead, they gave us rehashed missions in places we've already played with the odd additional space and minimal story telling. [b]A Box of Chocolates[/b] If I buy a box of the finest chocolates, I expect the box to be full with delicious chocolate treats. When I get half a box of mouldy chocolate pieces, I'm not happy and throw a hissy fit. When I buy a video game that promises so much but gives so little, I feel cheated of my money. Bungie, where's my [i]chocolate[/i]? [b]Positives [/b] Okay, so perhaps I'm being a bit negative. It is not all doom and gloom. Over the past few months Bungie have added a lot of the ideas promoted by players and game reviews. The new missions, though brief and largely in the same old places, were fun to play. Killing Urzok the Hated with three other random Guardians was a barrel of laughs. And the last part of the Urn of Sacrifice quest was epic. I was hoping for more playable content to make the grind more enjoyable. [b]Objections and Answers[/b] [b]Objection 1:[/b] ‘Stop crying and play another game’. Answer: Look, I do love this game. The shooting and graphics are awesome. I just feel the game has failed us in so many ways with regard to story, variety and volume of content. It has so much [i]potential[/i] but feels so [i]empty[/i]. Also ... I have a right to voice my opinion. Google 'freedom of speech'. If you don't agree with what I say, don't just tell me to zip it, give me [i]reasons [/i]why you think I'm wrong. [b]Objection 2:[/b] 'You guys complain about not enough [i]new[/i] content, but then you don't want to do the [i]new[/i] content when provided'. Answer: The content provided is the same old grind, killing the same old enemies, in the same old places ... sure great [i]new[/i] content. #DoubleSpeak [b]Objection 3:[/b] 'I thought we got a fair bit of DLC for our money' (yes, people are seriously saying this). Answer: Compare the Destiny expansion with the expansions of Skyrim and Oblivion (they were huge!). Destiny has fallen short of the standard set by last gen games. Don't get me wrong, the game is good. The shooting is engaging and the graphics are beautiful. I simply expect more content to ease the monotony of the grind and make it more interesting and enjoyable. I don't get why people are opposed to the idea of more playable content. It is weird. [b]Objection 4:[/b] ‘Quit whining and hating on Destiny’. Answer: In fact, I love this game. I want to see it get better and realise its potential. Surely you want the same? [b]Objection 5:[/b] ‘Don’t comment till you've done the raid’. Answer: That is another can of worms. A social based game like Destiny should include within itself the in-game mechanics to encourage social activity. Where is the in-game LFG forum for making teams to do the raid? Seems like a glaring omission to me. Even so, why can’t I comment on the story missions and the strike when I've played them? [b]Objection 6:[/b] 'It is more DLC than what CoD usually offers'. Answer: The problem is FPS CoD players don't see how empty this expansion is compared with what MMO and RPG players have come to expect from expansions. Destiny is a strange hybrid ... a jack of all trades ... Given the MMO/RPG aspects, I thought the expansion would substantially add to the game's playable content to make the grind more enjoyable. I think that this was a fair expectation. [b]LIKE[/b] and [b]BUMP[/b] if you agree. [b]Thanks for all the support! Cheers Guardians![/b] [b]600+ likes and a load of bumps!! [/b]

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  • I haven't had time to check it out yet, but truthfully I have gotten a run down from my friends who have all played throuhg everything but the raid, already finished spending time with it and said pretty much the same things about it. Below is what I have been told.. + Story much better, actually interesting. - Story added is super short and can be completed in a single lunch break.(45 minutes) - I was told bungie once again rehashed the same areas but this time around pulled a dragon age 2. Same dungeon, just have them go through the same dungeon in a different direction. If that is true, shame on you bungie! - To complete the story you are required to go through the raid, so a huge portion of the players will never get to see the completion of the story as bungie has decided to give the finger to people who don't have a huge group of friends that are interested in destiny. - little to no content for the huge price tag. Again, full disclosure, I haven't given it a shot yet, but if the above holds true, I don't think bungie listened at all to what people were saying. They pretty much did the absolute minimum they thought they could get a way with and called it a day.

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    1 Reply
    • Just wanted to swing in and bump this so it is in bungies face at all times, they should be barraged by a constant stream of gamers expressing their disappointment in everything they have done this generation.

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    • Bump I couldnt say it better myself. I like the game but it needs more content.

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    • Yea, you know a game sucks when the only upsides you here from a majority of players is that the graphics and shooting is good. Destiny is the first game that i regret spending money on and putting those few weeks of time into. Its rewards are pretty terrible for mmo and the guns pretty uncreative in every way except how they look and shoot. Barely any class difference with little tree choices. So much potential and bungie wasted it....

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    • Is it true I can get to lvl 32 without playing the new raid? My friend said all I have to do is buy a full set of vanguard armor

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      1 Reply
      • Then stop playing the game. Go put your time into something more productive for yourself.

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        • Bump

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        • I agree, but at the same time I also disagree. I was lucky to hit lvl 30 a month ago. I got bored of doing shit for no reason other then lvl up guns I won't use and try to get drops which keep giving me useless gear. New DLC means grinding has a purpose. New gear that needs lvling, drops that can potentially be better then I already have. When you originally hit lvl 20 it was fun/annoying changing gear all the time as new, better stuffed dropped. Then you would almost lvl it up to have more new gear drop that's better (RNGesus can be so cruel. Now I am reliving that thought provoking concept. Do I buy new vangaurd gear to reach lvl 31 straight up, I know that I will only discard it as I get raid gear?. Do I try and get raid gear first then fill in the blanks with vanguard gear?. Do I buy new guns and lvl them up so I have more fire power for the raid? Or do I wait to see if I can get some drops?. Do I spend energies on shitty drops that have higher potential power or hold off?. This strategy of building the guardian is my favorite bit. There is no real story so I smash through the missions for xp (to lvl my new gear). The horrible grind of this weeks nightfall where you bitch so hard in that starting room hoping to chip a little bit of health off here and there was fun. The amount of times we almost died then pulled out a creative revive plan was half the fun. The group tea-bag when she went down felt more emotional.

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        • Bump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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        • I agree, for the amount of money (can't remember how much lol) that skyrims dlc was, it had a fair bit of content. Probably more weapons and armor, not even going to mention new and hidden quest lines. Even though skyrim and destiny are totally two different games, I felt like i got my money and then some worth in game time with skyrim. Destiny just has me feeling like whether a collector's edition was even worth it, let alone a season pass.

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        • Finally! We get someone who not only has common sense, but also takes the initiative to answer the troll questions! Bravo to you, good man!

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        • I agree with some points, and disagree with some others. Sadly I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain. I could tell you stories of the greatness of this game. I could tell you stories of the downfalls and shortcomings of this game. But I won't.

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        • Like. Bump

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        • They're following the idiotic prestige system. Activision knows psychology quite well and knows that as long as you have some new cap to work towards, you'll keep playing, as long as you feel like you're progressing and never too far behind. That's why they need expansions as soon as most people hit the cap, and they need to let people upgrade to just before the cap as quickly as possible, and then make getting to the cap an extreme grind.

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          3 Replies
          • Shut up Meg

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          • Shut up Meg.

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          • Bump

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          • Gears of war 3's 'Raam's shadow' was an example of dlc brimming with content, I miss those days

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          • Damn this is a 100/10 post.

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          • Bad game is bad. What a disgrace for Bungie.

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          • Finally someone with a Bethesda point of view! I feel as though Bungie's DLC is like Horse Armor! (Joke)

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          • The reason why they did this was all about greed. The maps were in the game just locked away. Meaning it was part of the game they took out to sell us later. The lead story writer cut all connections with bungie during the making of the game. So that's why the story sucks. And then they wanted a T rated game to hit a younger audience. They had races. Customizable stuff. And trading. But they took it all out cuz it would be to complicated for the younger players. But I agree with you they are not listening to us. Plus this game screams halo all over it. The way the enemy's move and the gun system. They excepted a 10 year plan for this game and it won't last 6 months. Geez it's barely holding on now.

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          • Bumppppppppp

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          • Bump!

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          • I do agree with your point to an extent. I mean, once the story mission are beat, and you've beaten the raid and seen all the cool drops and explored the new strike, what else is there left to do? Great I can collect a few more exotics for my class and grind yet again to rank up my new weapons up to slightly better than my previous weapons. Just feels all to familiar. The story in the DLC is great, really enjoyed it, but it's over to fast, I mean you could beat it in a story expansion for any game should be beaten with 5-6 hours gametime, possibly less. I like all the new raid weapons too and some of the exotics look pretty sweet, but I probably won't invest the same amount of time ranking all of them up again like i did with the VOG weapons. I already have the raid sniper & rocket launcher, all I need now is the boots and i can hit 32, after grinding to rank up all the VOG weapons/gear only for them to eventually become "useless" highly doubt I'll do the same this time after i hit 32. The new strike is cool, little bit short but still a good addition. The Raid was great, loved playing it, understanding it, by far the best part of the expansion. Now it's already 5 days post expansion and I feel like I've done everything...yeah I'll probably play through the story again on a different character, and I'll do the raid for the shards & to get the raid boots, but after that just seems like all that's left is to grind again - which in the end will be pointless when House of Wolves come's out. Good expansion, but needs much more content for gamers that play 3/4 hours a day - simply not enough for us to do.

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          • And bump

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