[b]Reflections of a Cheesed off Guardian[/b]
We were told they were listening. We thought they would learn from their mistakes. The DLC has shown us that Bungie are not listening and didn't learn from their mistakes.
The ‘story’ missions took about an hour to complete. That’s peanuts! They were set for the most part in the same old places and we found ourselves fighting the same old enemies. This 'expansion' feels more like an 'event'.
[b]Chill out! What's the problem?[/b]
This game lacks content, variety, and volume. It feels empty. Don’t get me wrong, [i]the shooting and graphics are awesome[/i]. But the lack of content and variety within this game make the grind unbearable. I enjoy RPGs. I don’t mind the grind (provided there is plenty of content), but in Destiny, the grind is a miserably, depressing joke. Not even Crota's scrota finds it funny.
It is a hollow of a game. No wonder players began by shooting into a hole. It has the potential to be awesome but fails to deliver with the story and the variety of content. The grind would be almost bearable if they had given us 6 new PvP maps, 5 new strikes, 10 new story missions.
Instead, they gave us rehashed missions in places we've already played with the odd additional space and minimal story telling.
[b]A Box of Chocolates[/b]
If I buy a box of the finest chocolates, I expect the box to be full with delicious chocolate treats. When I get half a box of mouldy chocolate pieces, I'm not happy and throw a hissy fit. When I buy a video game that promises so much but gives so little, I feel cheated of my money. Bungie, where's my [i]chocolate[/i]?
[b]Positives [/b]
Okay, so perhaps I'm being a bit negative. It is not all doom and gloom. Over the past few months Bungie have added a lot of the ideas promoted by players and game reviews. The new missions, though brief and largely in the same old places, were fun to play. Killing Urzok the Hated with three other random Guardians was a barrel of laughs. And the last part of the Urn of Sacrifice quest was epic. I was hoping for more playable content to make the grind more enjoyable.
[b]Objections and Answers[/b]
[b]Objection 1:[/b] ‘Stop crying and play another game’. Answer: Look, I do love this game. The shooting and graphics are awesome. I just feel the game has failed us in so many ways with regard to story, variety and volume of content. It has so much [i]potential[/i] but feels so [i]empty[/i]. Also ... I have a right to voice my opinion. Google 'freedom of speech'. If you don't agree with what I say, don't just tell me to zip it, give me [i]reasons [/i]why you think I'm wrong.
[b]Objection 2:[/b] 'You guys complain about not enough [i]new[/i] content, but then you don't want to do the [i]new[/i] content when provided'. Answer: The content provided is the same old grind, killing the same old enemies, in the same old places ... sure great [i]new[/i] content. #DoubleSpeak
[b]Objection 3:[/b] 'I thought we got a fair bit of DLC for our money' (yes, people are seriously saying this). Answer: Compare the Destiny expansion with the expansions of Skyrim and Oblivion (they were huge!). Destiny has fallen short of the standard set by last gen games. Don't get me wrong, the game is good. The shooting is engaging and the graphics are beautiful. I simply expect more content to ease the monotony of the grind and make it more interesting and enjoyable. I don't get why people are opposed to the idea of more playable content. It is weird.
[b]Objection 4:[/b] ‘Quit whining and hating on Destiny’. Answer: In fact, I love this game. I want to see it get better and realise its potential. Surely you want the same?
[b]Objection 5:[/b] ‘Don’t comment till you've done the raid’. Answer: That is another can of worms. A social based game like Destiny should include within itself the in-game mechanics to encourage social activity. Where is the in-game LFG forum for making teams to do the raid? Seems like a glaring omission to me. Even so, why can’t I comment on the story missions and the strike when I've played them?
[b]Objection 6:[/b] 'It is more DLC than what CoD usually offers'. Answer: The problem is FPS CoD players don't see how empty this expansion is compared with what MMO and RPG players have come to expect from expansions. Destiny is a strange hybrid ... a jack of all trades ... Given the MMO/RPG aspects, I thought the expansion would substantially add to the game's playable content to make the grind more enjoyable. I think that this was a fair expectation.
[b]LIKE[/b] and [b]BUMP[/b] if you agree.
[b]Thanks for all the support! Cheers Guardians![/b]
[b]600+ likes and a load of bumps!! [/b]
And bump
BUMP... and after all the months everyday, grinding... not only to they now expect us to grind glimmer unless there is some other way to upgrade a bunch of exotics when Xur comes... but I finally can't play it anymore. There is nothing in this game that is fun to do anymore. At least I can keep bumping this thread. ...unless this is just Part 1 of 18 from "Expansion 1".
Edited by nmac1979: 12/14/2014 4:44:54 PMPaying £20 for this dlc is ridiculous AND scandalous. I was looking on xbox marketplace today and you can download A FREE PLAYABLE DEMO of thief that's 2.65 gb. That's more than 1/2 gb bigger than a paid for dlc! Other dlcs of a similar size are priced at between £5-£7. What makes activision/bungie think their offering is more special? I'll tell you why, because the majority of the cod/destiny fanboys are complete simpletons who let them charge what they like and defend the indefensible
destiny is a dope ass game sorry if you don't
It's kinda sad. The new areas are tiny, and completely feel like all the old areas - except for that last one on the Moon, that last big room looked nice. The story? I read about that in an online gaming magazine article. Did not get it from the game. Locking out people without DLC from Weekly and Daily stuff is inexcusable. Limited Playlists for the new PvP DLC is very annoying. The artificial progression bottleneck on the Raid Gear with 21 Raid-Only Ascendant Materials feels forced, and whether or not it might be common for MMOs, the gear we had now feels kinda useless, especially with the new Raid starting at 30. Should've been 28, then you should've adjusted the loot drops on the Vault of Glass, and you wouldn't have had to sell all those crappy "cheating" level 31 gear (with another forced progression bottleneck in the form of commendations). This is not an expansion, because it does not expand. It recycles. As much as I love this game, this "expansion" feels like the worst money grab I have witnessed since Candy Crush Saga. Whoever thinks these are good decisions you are making, Bungie, whoever thinks that this is what the people want... he's not right. Give us a story we care about, not something some chick in the market tells us. Where are the gripping cinematic cutscenes (we can skip on a 2nd playthrough)? Where's the dread? The imminent danger? You didn't even integrate the Trailer into this "Expansion Story", and that was the best and only story part of the whole thing. Don't make us feel like we wasted our time doing stuff. VoG Raid Gear is obsolete, old Exotics cost really rare stuff to upgrade if you even get a chance to upgrade them. It you felt the need to bring players with less RNG luck up to a certain level, maybe you should've adjusted the loot drops on the VoG, and added a Raid Gear Set Bonus of One Light Level with the DLC (so full raid armor goes up to 31), then started Crota's End at 28, instead of that horrible thing you did with level 31 gear for sale. Because let me tell you, Level 30 does NOT feel like level 30 in the new Raid. The top gear from the main game should STILL be better than anything you could buy from vendors in the DLC, while all parts of the DLC, except for the Hard Raid, should still be accessible and doable by most everyone with the gear they can and could buy. Expand, for God's sake. This is not an expansion, it's a map pack, some horse armor and a bit of recycling story DLC. You better completely re-arrange your priorities for the second one, and I mean in a HUGE way, with HUGE new areas and PLANETS, HUGE (amounts) of completely new and DIFFERENT enemies, HUGE amount of Story. And don't ever, NOT EVER lock people out of features from the main game they bought by making them DLC exclusives. Even it's just for a day. Or an hour. -blam!- you for that, Bungie! There. That's the very first time anything I wrote here had to be censored. So I -blam!-ing hope you get I -blam!-ing mean it. That's the lowest of the low, scum of the Earth move I could think of for this game, and you went ahead and -blam!-ing did it. -blam!-. You. My disappointment in you is limitless. I love this game. I've spent hundreds of hours on this game. YOU, Bungie, are the people making me regret that. You continue to alienate your players, since with almost every improvement some ill thought-out short-term adjustment comes along to make it all worse. You twist your own game into an abomination by selling minimal content at ridiculous high prices, then restrict how and when we can play it (PvP), and even go as far as taking game modes AWAY from people that didn't give you 20 bucks for a lot of nothing. And I am getting heartily sick of it. Seriously, it breaks my heart what you do to this game. And what you don't do, but know SHOULD be done. Steps taken forward, then sleepwalking back again.
Edited by AMGS8: 12/14/2014 7:28:38 AMPersonally I'd add the following changes as needing implemented ASAP, some old some new in no real order: 1) If you don't have the expansion, you should not see expansion content anywhere, not have your favorite weekly activities locked out. This means the expansion would expand the game, not remove content for some. 2) Gear upgrades should be tagged on to existing gear as well as adding new gear. For example, I just fully upgraded shadow price & a dead orbit piece of armor, & now the vendor sells the exact same piece with a higher light level. How this should work, is my fully upgraded armor piece should get another 1-3 armor / light level upgrades tacked on to the end of the upgrade tree for me to work on, not force me to scrap a hard earned, hard upgraded item only to get much the same piece & grind out the same content over again. The same should apply to exotics, but maybe new upgrades should cost a good bit more. Same result, less grinding, the player feels rewarded as the progression continues rather than being reset to the detriment of morale. 3) Player-player trading. 4) Let us equip multiple exotics for PvE. Make it the way it is now for PvP. That or make the exotics much more powerful & individual. 5) Increase the glimmer cap. 6) Have scaled versions of the nightfall & raid. If I want to do the nightfall with 6 players, let me do it & script in a crap load of enemies. If I want to do the raid with 3, scale it down to make it just as hard as with 6. 7) Class specific bonuses: Hunters can carry more sniper ammo, Titans can take a more damage, that type of thing. 8) Let legendary engrams drop more often. At high levels we need these to get shards, energy etc. Greens are of no use dropping at level 29. 9) Remove the weekly mark limits and let people just play. 10) Give us back our materials for marks exchange. 11) Give the engram reward back to the level 24 strikes. Make level 26 give 2 if you want. I'd say we're all happy that expansion players get more, they paid for it, but don't cut out the rest of us from the original content. 12) Get public events to trigger more often. 13) A bigger storage vault would be nice. 14) Make the gunsmith do something useful, as others have suggested, make him do the Xur stuff with legendaries. 15) More varied enemy spawns, more massed enemy events. 16) Let us replay the likes of nightfalls etc each day with reduced rewards. For example, make the chance for an exotic a once a week deal, make the 'daily' version give us an engram, glimmer, something. Anything to match the difficulty with the reward over the lower level strikes. There is likely other problems I've forgotten. Do you guys know how much money you'd rake in making those changes? Hell even if you charged for all that in a DLC pack or 2 I'd buy it. I guess if you made all those changes to Destiny, that'd be 16 less reasons to make us buy Destiny 2. Which leads to the other problem, all the talent is now working on Destiny 2 & a skeleton crew is left behind to fix major issues, make small alterations & drip out the already completed DLC. I really want to continue playing the game, I had a lot of co-op fun, have all 3 classes at level 24 or above & have loads of exotic weapons. But I log on now, think about the level of grinding to upgrade just one weapon including already fully upgraded ones, let alone my entire gear stock since the expansion, & I just log off again. If each expansion presses the reset button instead of offering genuine progression, why play? Destiny doesn't need a sequel. It needs expanded. The engine feels great, it just needs new content. Nobody looks at the game & thinks about a new version the way we might about an old dated game. People think 'give me more of [b]this[/b] game'. Take us to Saturn to investigate the derelict human fleet, let us explore the Reef & learn about the Awoken, take us to Mercury to see the planetary Vex nexus. Let us meet the Nine at Jupiter & unravel their mysteries, let us discover the story of the EXO stranger, learn about the Traveller. It's all there for the taking with DLC that could go on until the next console generation, then release Destiny 2.
I can't give you a bump or a plus one, but I don't entirely disagree either. You make some good points, but I really think you need to take a step back and look at this from Bungie's point of view. And RPG company like BioWare isn't making Destiny, an FPS company is. A company that has made the most successful entertainment franchise in the history of human kind, by offering slightly better graphics every year, prettier guns, 10 maps at launch and 3 new maps every 3 months. Activision has found a winning formula that they will not break because people complain on the forums.
I viewed this "expansion" as kind of a raid expac...destiny 2 will be more of a real expansion.
The reason there isnt a story is because its stretched out over 10+ years. Get it? its a 10yr game, so year 1 you get 1/10 the story.
Instead of pulling the rug out from under all our gear and weapons and making us grind shards and energies eternally AGAIN (like the grind wasn't already terrible!), Bungie should have come out with a new planet (Mercury, the one they yanked out before launch?) and the third sub-class for every class (to fill in the missing sub-class hole). Then it would have been more bearable grinding all those stupid crappy shards and energies again. But no. ;) I wish I had never impulse-bought the DLC before launch. I haven't logged on in weeks.
Edited by Liiberty Priime: 12/13/2014 4:03:05 PMIts not the fact that its not enough content. Just the fact that we put a shit load of more hours in this game then most. This game is real addictive. The man hours put in it, surpasses the hours your put in a game like Skyrim and Fallout. There is plenty of content to be completed. You can't complain until your max level. So shut your mouth of your complaints. I completed the new raid already but still need more gear for rank 32.
My father plays this game and he is a level 28. Unfortunately he has not been able to do ANY of the daily heroic story missions that include the DLC because the ONLY option is level 30. For the main dailies there are multiple options from 24 to 26 and 30. Why do we not get a choice for DLC? For many of you this is not a problem because you grind to 30 easily and are on all the time. He wants to either have the option to play on lower levels or get a refund for the DLC season pass. He can't play what he paid for and he is rightfully mad.
Wouldn't you take the moldy chocolate back to the store and exchange for different, good chocolate? You can do the same with the game too.
-blam!-in bump
Edited by dorianjp: 12/14/2014 1:36:18 AMTheres no way bungie is going to improve lol.
Edited by Glorious Duck: 12/13/2014 3:10:15 PMBUNGIE U ARE KILLING ME! i keep on hoping and hoping for you guys to find the right path again but i keep on getting dissappointed. this game just screams "we dont know how to handle mmos. were good at shooters and we have good concept artists but were very new to social stuff in our games" you guys really need to hire someone with more experience regardig mmos.
Edited by MindfulPizza: 12/13/2014 3:33:39 PMAs long as all us gamers stick it like bioware, nintendo , square, microsoft, sony in the years, We will get the great versions of this game. Bioware, , nintendo wwiu, square ff14, , microsoft xbox one, sony ps3, , they learn on that lost . like all them do. get fast cash then the second or there next one junk. But then get amazing games, got hope bungie is real still or a rare clone. Every time think is great the second now days sucks, unless learn from the old lessons . Bigger now days since now at 3 generation of gamers. Will put activision also , COD getting old fast . but it the NFL for the game so going be awhile , till get a 2k5 type game threaten it .
Bump well said
You have freedom of speech however that does not mean that there will be no consequences. I can yell "fire!" In a movie theater, i have that freedom. However there will still be consequences. And with your logic [i]we[/i] have the freedom of speech to disagree with you.
Yeah it is a bit of a let down but I still love this game
Edited by itsGhostMage: 12/13/2014 5:50:47 AMI've seen Halo being used against Destiny all the time so I'm gonna just go ahead and throw this out there; Halo DLC: 3 new maps for Matchmaking. That's it. No new campaign. No new guns. No new anything (besides the maps, obviously). But I do agree. I've done one mission (in the past 3 weeks) and I didn't really feel compelled to keep going. There wasn't really a mystery. I mean, for the fact to actually [i]complete[/i] the storyline of The Dark Below, I have to find a moment in time to randomly find people on the forums (that [b][i] REQUIRE A MIC EVEN THOUGH NO ONE ACTUALLY AND TRULY COMMUNICATES LIKE THE SO-CALLED TEAM WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE)[/i][/b] that I've never met just to hopefully not have them quit so I can complete it; and the ending isn't even an ending.