Hi I'm adult female looking for nice people to play with, weekly, nightfall, really anything. Central time. I play on and off during the day, (work from home) Some nights. I have a hunter level 29. Add me if you want. Gt iMnAZona on Xbox one.
You can add me. GT is :CrypticalMoon. A 30 Titan, 26 Warlock, and a 3 Hunter.
Hello. Same same. Lvl 28 warlock GT: motsek
Lvl 28 warlock also looking for some people to play with xbox1 Gt Cool Cal 32
Hi I'm also looking for friends to play too. made it this far mostly alone need people to get further and its much more fun too in a group so add me or invite me mostly on of the evenings because of work should be fun thanks
Add me Mizz Lindzay Im level 30 warlock and i have a mic :)