You know what I want from Bungie? Not a better game, because honestly they've sold their souls for the next 10 years with Activision. I don't even want a refund. I want an apology. I want them to be able to own up to their mistakes. All they do is just keep deflecting blame and avoiding the issue (telling players they need to try harder after you nerf thorn? give me a break, Deej).
You know you made something of lackluster quality. The community knows it. The reviewers know it. Surely your Activision leash-holders know it. You're still going to be making promises of more and better content, so how much damage could it really do to say that Destiny isn't what it should have been? I guarantee you Destiny 2 is still going to make more money than God because Bungie's name and ties to Halo will carry new games further than they would have gone otherwise.
Just an apology. That's all I want.
Same thing happened to Blizzard, went downhill after Blizzard North left/fired/quit (Devs of Diablo 2)
You never know... after this bomb (review wise) and with a new Halo coming, they could find themselves without a player-base.
I'm not sure if Bungie could lose the player base unless they don't sell. I mean Destiny is getting mixed reviews but everyone is still playing it.
I think that is because players want it to be good. They want it to achieve its potential. That's why I'm playing it. That's why I wrote the original post.
That's not a surprise... once you've paid for something you may as well try to get your money's worth out of it (and with digital games it's not like you can get your money back). Plus, I think people are forgetting that Destiny was the game that broke the gaming drought. Until it came out, there just wasn't a lot to play. After Destiny came out we got Sunset Overdrive, Assassin's Creed, Farcry 4, Masterchief Collection, Dragon Age 3, GTA V and all the rest of the end-of-year flood. It's unlikely that Destiny 2 will be in the same position, where people have nothing else to play.
More money than [b]G[/b]od. Now that would be an achievement! Thanks for the comments bro.
Lol yeah more of an expression but thnx