Seriously Bungie, what has happened to you?
First you release a shitty overhyped game that turned out to be nothing but a generic shooter with a non-existing story.
Then you keep patching the shit out of it, only causing more problems.
Now we're four months in and I am still getting bloody caterpillar, weasel, beaver, whateverthre-blam!-animalyoudickscomeupwith even though my network settings are set EXACTLY like you advice us to.
This is just shitty craftsmanship, the DLC doesn't bring ANYTHING new, all rehashes of locations we were well familiarized with, a miniature raid whose length gets artificially prolonged simply by making Crota ultra-hard to defeat.
This is NOT putting in extra effort Bungie, this is recycling the shit you already had into something worse, as I said before the only reason I got the season pass is because it came free with the PS4 bundle I ordered.
After your next shitty DLC-release I am quite sure the IP will simply die, no community can keep on withstanding such clear and malicious disrespect, you promised something, didn't deliver and instead of making amends and admitting this you ignore the vast majority of the people playing your game (and potential customers for future DLC/games) and simply keep on changing it in ways that not only piss off said community, but make the game worse.
This DLC just goes to prove it : uninspired, generic rehashing. I.E. : cheap & easy money.
Bungie, Activision has corrupted you in ways I didn't even think was possible for the group (or a big part at least) of people that created and fleshed out the Halo universe.
Shame on you for even standing by this CoD-wannabe bullshit reskinned rehashed Halo without a decent story.
Bungie is showing you that you are not playing destiny but zoo tycoon....