world record lol
you *require* gjallahorn and ice breakers and overlevelled players - give me a break!!
if you want to impress people, try flawless, fastest time for the whole raid or doing it with all level 30's
Play smarter not harder. Meg.
Don't be sad
Ehem... Overlevelled? Final area is 32 bud. 31 is less than 32
that's why it's called a HARD raid bud it's a level 30 raid, obviously if you aint good enough you can go in as a level 31 to make things easier for yourself
Have you done the raid? Because in the normal raid the enemies hot level 32, yes its a level 30 raid but at the end the enemies are level 32 so how is he over leveled? 31 is less than 32
VoG was a 26 raid, why did everyone go in at 28? /).-
Why set such a stupid limitation like 'YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO BE A HIGH LEVEL' when setting a record? Are you literally retarded or something?
yep! I want to see the world record for a dead lift done without letting the muscle men do it!
Dude, go wash your face, you have jelly all over it.
Fastest time is fastest time. Get over it