You're progress in the current destiny will transfer to destiny 2, and the grind is bearable. There is a lot to do , rank up crucible/vanguard, farming, ranking up the factions, trying to get every exotic, and much more. you just don't have the patience of playing through content that you seem to find worthless.
- You really think that your grinding means anything after what they've done and clearly will do again with the next DLCS....your grinding is for nothing...and they don't care.. My time is better spent playing games that offer new experiences. You honestly think your progress still matters in this game.........that is amazing how blind you are.
Ok sure , I'm "blind" I'm not gonna waste my money on a game just to complain about it. I'll play I did quit destiny for a month but when the dlc came out I started to play again and so far it's actually been more enjoyable than I expected. Go ahead bash my opinions and call me names , I really don't care.
I wouldn't mind doing those things if there was more meaningful content to play through in order to do them. I am not averse to the notion of grinding. I enjoy RPGs. The difference is an RPG like Skyrim has tons of content to keep you entertained and make the grind interesting. Destiny's content is peanuts. It is hollow. Empty.
Lol so the game is supposed to be a boring repetitive grind? so retarded.
You must be new here....
And also it was just my opinion , those are the things I do when I have nothin else to do.
I had the game since release , so no I'm not.I grind hard too , have all the achievements for the game.
[quote]I grind hard too , have all the achievements for the game.[/quote] better tell your grimoire that