So with the DLC I finally think I figured out the main issue with Destiny's story.
I can't tell you really what the Dark Below was about because most of the time I was so busy trying not to crash my tumbler or shooting aliens in the face that I wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to what was being explained in the background. Eris was yammering something about Crota, his soul and needed to save the world or something like that... I missed almost all of it.
For me playing a FPS requires a certain level of concentration which is why my wife has to step in front of the TV in order to relay important life information if I am in the middle of a game. I think this is why Destiny really struggles to relay any story, at least for me. A lot of information is relayed when you are in the world driving places or in the middle of battle and that is usually when I am paying the least attention. It could be Shakespeare and it still wouldn't make a difference.
What really brought this to the fore front was the lack of Cut Scenes in the Dark Below. At least in the original story the were a few pauses where you got know Dinklebot or the Stranger (at least a little). I can't really tell you what most of the missions are about because most of the time I am busy saving the Galaxy from the darkness but I do at least REMEMBER the Cut Scenes. I honestly can't tell you what the purpose of the Dark Below is from a plot standpoint.
Kill Crota. Got it.
Eh, Halo still managed to deliver a powerful narrative story while I was fighting stuff. The real problem is that Destiny is trying to do the Dark Souls seemingly vague story that's fleshed out in bits of text acquired through play thing, and it's not working out.
I can sum up The Dark Below for you: The Hive are trying to summon Crota and invade Earth, stop them! [spoiler]Shoot that crystal to crush Crota's soul so he can't be brought back! Done with that? Good, the world is safe.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Wait, shoot those guys on Earth that are bringing Crota back! Done with that? Good, the world is safe.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Oh, wait, you need to shoot that wizard that can bring Crota back! Done with that? Good, the world is safe.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Now go kill Crota before he comes back. You probably should have done this Raid first so all the other Hive flunkies you killed would've been unemployed.[/spoiler]
Find the biggest guy and put bullets in to him until he dies. That's my go to strategy.
Haha I totally hear you. Or you're too busy listening to your fire team to hear what the NPCs are telling you