originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Looking for older players to form regular fireteam for raids and strikes. We are all over 30 in age and have various guardian levels and have busy schedules but find time to get together to play. Msg me here or on xbl if you are interested. GT xVintageLeex
Looking to do VoG normal around 6 MST. GT is same as name. Need 3
[quote]Looking for older players to form regular fireteam for raids and strikes. We are all over 30 in age and have various guardian levels and have busy schedules but find time to get together to play. Msg me here or on xbl if you are interested. GT xVintageLeex[/quote] Mid forties, try to get on destiny as much as my 6 year old will allow. Never played a raid. Level 28 hunter. Chancedad0112
Hey im mature and motivated have already completed numerous times 3lvl 31 characters tag RoBBJohnB
23. 2 kids and available at nights during the week. Message LethaixProdigy or add me if you need help with raids. Have 31 hunter 31 warlock and 32 titan.
Looking to complete VOG normal lvl. I have lvl 30 warlock. Will be on 6pm MST until 9pm MST.
Twitchunstop7 feel free to add me. I'm 23
Im would like to do some raiding also 29 years old with 4 kids so I'm mostly on late at night Gareth is EO3CB lvl 28 hunter and lvl 24 titan
Warlock lvl 31 Mic, age 29 Gt same as above
[quote]Looking for older players to form regular fireteam for raids and strikes. We are all over 30 in age and have various guardian levels and have busy schedules but find time to get together to play. Msg me here or on xbl if you are interested. GT xVintageLeex[/quote] #26 #mic #teamwork Looking for a tight nit group to game along side with. I play a lot of PvP and campaign on hard, strikes ect. I'd love to get a great team of six to do raids on a daily basis. That would be ideal. I'm super nice, super mellow, and I communicate well. I'm patient so if you need to power lvl I play a good support. Please feel free to add me and shoot me a mssg so I know since stupid one doesn't auto request. Gt is the same as my name. I look forward to your reply fellow garurdians!!!! Xoxo -Bacardian
z Vigilance 32 hunter
VOG normal raid, fresh run need 4, join asap.....kingsolo83
31 Warlock, 30 Hunter, 30 Titan , GT "mdalton72"
Lvl 31 hunter and lvl 29 warlock. Never done the raids or nightfall but need too for lvl 32 and beyond. Gt is same as here and have a grimoire score of nealry 2000 so experienced. Can play most nights after 7.30.
18 years old alright? I've got experience and a level 31 Titan and a 31 hunter who just need radiant shards to get 32. And a level 12 warlock. Can pretty much get on whenever. But I like to do the raids on normal and hard every week for double rewards. And I'm pretty good at it. I can do the Abyss on CE alone. So, yeah. Add me if you don't mind playing with an 18 year old.
43 years old ive a level 30 hunter level 25 warlock level 15 titan i play destiny most days add me or invite me raids nightfall etc :)
29 years old...play i. The later evenings 30 warlock 29 hunter 27 Titan Gt nodnarb03
29 years old...play i. The later evenings 30 warlock 29 hunter 27 Titan Gt nodnarb03
Oo daLEGEND o0 Add me
[quote]Looking for older players to form regular fireteam for raids and strikes. We are all over 30 in age and have various guardian levels and have busy schedules but find time to get together to play. Msg me here or on xbl if you are interested. GT xVintageLeex[/quote] I'm lvl 26 titan I'd be willing to join you
Can u add me in? I can play after 8 PM every night. I have hunter, warlock, titan at lvl 30. Thanks. SkinnedSpace547
Warlock lvl 29 done VOG before Titan lvl 29 never done VOG Both ready now to join VOG normal
I'm in too. Gt poppetmunkey L30 hunter L24 titan L23 lock
Playing later on this afternoon (UK) [u]Its only vinny[/u] Hunter 31 Titan 27 Warlock 13 Never done VOG as I have no team
I'm in.. Invite me tag name: Spezz X I have a level 31 Warlock / Hunter or Titan
If anyone is interested in helping me im a lvl 24 titan wanting to do the raids and play missions im on xbo
Edited by xSCALIWAG86x: 12/13/2014 9:13:55 PMGT xSCALIWAG86x 29 Hunter 29 Warlock