I mean, why throw yourself to the wolves, right?
So much to say about The Dark Below, right? And this insane design for updating Exotic gear, the total lack of a mechanic for Legendary gear. All that grinding for Iron Banner gear that became obsolete nearly immediately. The slap-in-the-face lockout of people who haven't bought the DLC yet from the Weekly Strike and Nightfall Strike. Oh, and today, the Daily mission - locked out of that, too!
So much to discuss. At least there's maybe that Crucible Inferno mode on the horizon, yeah?
I guess we can just wait for someone to throw up a smokescreen with a community focus article. Someone out there became a Legend, right? Maybe someone else made a website that picked up the slack from the design failures of the game, like that DestinyLFG site tries to create some measure of matchmaking for the Raids. Maybe somebody else has bench-pressed a bunch of Ogres, or run over a lot of Dregs in a Sparrow, or collected the most Spinmetal. Legends, you know?
UPDATE: Thursday Update showed up at last! As you might have guessed, it totally avoided the minefield of recent controversy and went with pure fluff. A+ deflection!
Mega ultra exotic BUMP