So now that Xûr came out of his godforsaken hole, which exotic weapon (or weapons) have you decided to reset?
Personally, I went for my Thorn because first Exotic and whatnot. My next one will be the Suros Regime or Thunderlord.
Like everyone else, IB and Thorn. No reason not to.
Icebreaker and Light beyond nemisis.
icebreaker, thorn, suros, red death, thunderlord and the last word. Went ahead and bought a new truth and dismantled my old one. Drained my piggybank but good.
Icebreaker. Dismantled my spare Gjallarhorn to do it too. I'd been holding on to "Light In the Dark" and soloed Xyor last night to pick up a new Thorn, but that's not a reset. All I need now is Gjallarhorn reset and the three exotics I regularly use are all upgraded to version 2.
Icebreaker for me.
Suros, thorn, and I'll be doing TLW later on tonight
Ice Breaker. Bought new Voidfangs because I had the coins, and I got the Bad Juju bounty a couple of days ago, so I don't need to bother upgrading that when Xur has it in stock.
Icebreaker, Last Word, and Suros Regime. :-)
Suros, for The Lord of Iron cometh.
Ice breaker.
Was lucky enough to have a Thunderlord drop during the new raid, but I upgraded Icebreaker, Suros, and Thorn. I'll upgrade TLW once I have the glimmer tonight.
Icebreaker and Thorn.
The last word and suros.
Thunderlord and thorn
Suros and Thunderlord
Suros/thunderlord/ice breaker
Just thorn.
Thorn, IB, Thunderlord.
Thorn and The Last Word. Thorn was my first and my baby hand cannon so thats a given.
Suros x 3, ice breaker, thorn, thunderlord and Titan chest plate
Thunderlord, Icebreaker, and TLW.
None yet