So now that Xûr came out of his godforsaken hole, which exotic weapon (or weapons) have you decided to reset?
Personally, I went for my Thorn because first Exotic and whatnot. My next one will be the Suros Regime or Thunderlord.
I upgraded 2x Suros, 2x Icebreaker, Thorn, Last Word, mask of the third man and armamentarium and sorta upgraded truth by buying a new one and breaking down the two I had previously. I also bought ruin wings, the symbiote helm and three helm engrams. Needless to say I had a busy couple of days farming glimmer and already had a stack of 70+ coins, 5 exotics shards and 15k glimmer before Xur arrived.
the last word
Thorn and suros regime.
Icebreaker. Will upgrade Gjallarhorn when he has an upgrade
Ice Breaker and Thunderlord for me. I'm not glimmer broke. I hope they do a Vex MythoClast upgrade tho.
Everything I had so basically every titan stuff and weapons except thunderlord
Red Death, only because my brother received some 'information' on the Raid about a point where your recovery ability won't work (I have not looked up anything on the Raid as I'd rather go through it and find out myself, so I don't actually know personally if it's true or not), so hopefully the Red Death perk will work.
Thorn and then ice breaker.. Sorta upgraded my Voidfang, by buying a new one!
Thorn, icebreaker and suros
I reset all of them. Took a while to get all the glimmer.
Icebreaker and ThunderLord. I have every single one he has for upgrade but don't really use them so didn't see the point in wasting glimmer that I don't have.
Red death, ice breaker and suros regime
The last word because Iron Banner is coming up
Icebreaker. If you didn't then something is wrong with you
Suros Regime and Thorn , not bothering with any armour . Patience and Time will definitely getting done aswell when available.
Red death and thorn. Although i do have also TLW and IB and some other i forget and also armor i didnt want to spend any more
I reset SUROS, The Last Word, Red Death, and Thorn. I don't own Thunderlord or Ice Breaker otherwise I would have upgraded them too :(
Suros, Thunderlord and Icebreaker
Ice breaker. Gun I use the most and most useful in raids
Only the ice breaker. Got thorn bounty so I did that and dismantled my 1.0 thorn.
Thorn. Then Ice Breaker, then TLW. Went with the personal favorites and the most important ones.
I was gonna upgrade icebreaker, but figured I'd enjoy a new thorn instead. I've still got time to upgrade icebreaker, just need more glimmer, but I'm not too concerned about doing that this weekend.
all of them that he offered might as well
Thorn, Last Word and of course Ice Breaker. Wanted to do both my Ice Breakers but I had some armor to reset as well.