I was doing my work and my little sister calls me 3 times on my phone, but hangs up after it rings twice. The 3rd time i pick up. I shit you not this is what she says
"Hello? Hello? I wanted to record a message for you-" *click* (I hang up)
I then hear loud laughter. This my friends is why I don't let my little sister watch me play games...it's why I will never let her play slender because im gonna go down to the bathroom in the midst of night and the first thing I'll see are papers with the words "always watches; no eyes" scrawled on it.
Anyone ever let a sibling play a game only for them to quote stuff from it everywhere?
I'm going to raise my son with a steady diet of the godfather and teach him when a good moment to quote it is
I'm going to raise my son with a steady diet of the godfather and teach him when a good moment to quote it is
My sister uses my xbox to play just dance. Every. Frickin. Song.
I do that to my dad... [spoiler] Every time he dies in games, I always say, "You've meat a terrible fate, haven't you" [/spoiler]
There are two in my family... both of my younger brothers.
I [b]AM[/b] that sibling
[quote]It's a me, Mario[/quote] Stf! *throws controller*
This, except not games, but television. And not even good shows, my brother quotes all of these new, awful shows on T.V.