originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
For me it is the community. I have not yet played a game I like it. I have meet and interacted with so many good people. I like how friends just hop on and help with missions. I also really like the raid. 6 people actually working together instead of just caring about their own k\d ratio (looking at you COD).
Let us know what you like about it. What keeps bringing you back?
See you out there.
PSN: luvtocycle
I also love getting up to drop a deuce and when I get back I'm on orbit. W T F
The community is a major aspect for me. This group has been huge for me. I have met so many great men to group with and have a good time defending the universe with. This way when my buds aren't available I can still usually find a cool guy, and I have been able to even get the first raid done before it's way outdated! Lol that and the stuff in this game is well made and fun. Solid gameplay and solid community group equals total win
I like grinding for hours on end to level my gear then it's all useless after an update. I love turning in a purple engram and getting more ascendant energy to add to my collection of over 70. I love running the nightfall and getting 5 mother f'ing coins. I love how the only way to get to level 32 is to beg people to run the new raid and if I grind iron banner to get there it's somehow "not legit". I love being forced to participate in the crucible for exotic gear.../sarcasm. I actually like the game but there's a lot that drives me nuts.
gotta be the clan! made some great friends to play with.
The journey! Getting new weapons and gear and leveling them up. The small victories and lucky drops, all of it is fun and exciting.
First off definitely the dods ive played with...ive never laughed so hard playing a game.....and secondly.... im a loot whore...love getting that new weapon or armour.... what i hate most is the cryptarch hands down......
It by far has to be the fact that a friend of mine convinced me to join the DoD community. I've never played with so many good people. I love that aspect of it, I play this game so much that I returned Far cry 4 knowing I would never have time for it and I am a racing game junky so I bought the crew...only played it twice.
Umm everything, but mostly the social part of it. I think it's great that you can hop on and play with people the care more about the game experience rather than who has the higher stats.
Bump... It's great how everyone I've met has between so nice. What a great community