Hm I have a lock and do lots of pvp. I have sun breakers upgraded but I always run void walker. Do you really find sunsinger that useful? When using self revive you can't get the damage reduction and die pretty fast. I don't know tell me what to do sir!
I pretty much only use the self Res during control. I can totally cheese. Take out maybe one of three attackers when I'm defending a point, die, wait long enough for them to forget about me, self res just before the point goes neutral, kill them, and usually walk off lol. Or I run the armor buff off gradient instead of the res. With longer grenades off sunbreaker and the damage over time, a sunsinger can seriously choke off access points. Even just melee igniting someone gets revenge kills if you die easy. The self rez in nightfalls or strikes has paid off countless times. My voidwalker I had to go back to just now due to getting that Thorn bounty, and i hated it. Other than the panic button super, I just didn't enjoy it, even running with the Amakara helmet for extra armor while supering, I just felt squishy.
When u self rez vs my titan
Sometimes sure. But I make a point of going in there after bubble campers and killing them. The fire damage from a grenade and the ignite dot eat up that health and shield faster then the bubble can help then survive