Are you dumb? Gift of the Sun on the sunsinger which is ran most of the time by any warlock let's you carry two grenades with any armor.
Voidfang Vestments let's you spawn with grenade energy which when combined with gift of the Sun practically guarantees you a kill every life in PvP. Arguably the most useful piece of exotic armor in PvP
Star fire protocol, carry an extra fusion grenade. Now you're carrying two fusion grenades which allows you to use another perk in that tree.
Heart the praxic fire. Further Shortens ability cool downss during radiance. With heart of the praxic you can now run strength/intellect heavy gear which means your one hit melee ability during radiance will cool down quicker and your super will recharge quicker.
Apotheosis Veil. Activating your super regenerates health. If you have apotheosis veil you don't even need to touch the chalice during the crota fight.
Warlock raid boots let you carry more heavy ammo and they also don't take up the exotic slot.
All classes are missing a piece from the new exotic gear. Warlocks don't have boots, Hunters and titans don't have a chest.
Self Revive. Nuff said
Warkocks have great gear you just don't know how to utilize anything. All around Warlocks are the most versatile class with or without gear.
You're annoying little -blam!-, why do you comment on -blam!-ing everything? go outside and do something with your life your a pathetic muppet.
Oh look a fan!
well said brother! though im pretty sure hunters have a chest piece....or maybe it was titans. has a wolf on the front. saw it the other day
Yeh hunters have a cool wolf chest u quicker revives on allies and u can carry more secondary ammo...but the main thing is that it has a wolf on the front:) cool
Maybe im mistaken on that part then. But still! Warlock gear is beast!
Alpha Lupi for both titan and hunter
ah I thought I saw it for both. couldn't be sure tho
I bought one for my hunter and saw it was Titan. Super confused my first time seeing them.