Hello everyone and welcome to Shadow Ravens
Journeying through destiny's vast galaxy across its expansive worlds can sometimes be lonesome, that's where we come in. Shadow Raven's is an established clan that is ready and willing to engage in all areas of destiny's universe. Shadow Ravens defines the balance of competitive hardcore players and laid back casual gamer's.
Our clan focuses on appealing to skilled hardcore players that want to tackle challenging raids and competitive PvP action in the crucible as well as casual gamer's that are searching for an active community of guardians to call their brothers. Shadow Ravens aims to be a decade long clan, and is hoping to achieve legendary status among the Destiny Community, with your help we will dominate the galaxy.
★[b]Join our main bungle group and register on the clan website to become a raven[/b]★
[b]Main Destiny Clan - [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/99063/0/1/0]★ Shadow Raven's ★[/url]
Shadow Ravens Clan Website - http://shadowravens.clanwebsite.com/[/b]
What you can expect
- Well structured
- Competitive
- Community oriented
- Active
- Clan support
- Decade long clan
What you Need
- 16 or older
- Mic
- Be team oriented
- A thirst for exploration & discovery
- PS4
P.S. If your a clan owner and are looking for more Ally's, PM me.
Edited by FapWoundz: 12/15/2014 10:06:26 AMI'M EXTREMELY INTERESTED IN JOINING THIS CLAN! 23 Hunter (started a week ago) Mic, 26 years young, PS4. GT: FapWoundz Please send me a message on PSN