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Edited by Knight Raime: 1/6/2015 4:30:20 PM

Crota's end glitch collection

The point of this thread is to make aware of all known current glitches possible in the new DLC raid crota's end. The reason I am posting this information is because I want crota's end to be a true raid. It already has the potential to be a better raid then VoG. This one requires MUCH more communication and punishes you harder for mistakes. I want everyone who gets the loot from the raid to feel like they earned it. Instead of the quality being deminished because people just cheesed it. First glitch: It is possible to cheese the second part with the totems and the big bridge. One way is to use a warlock fireborn at the last second when everyone else is dead. This despawns all enemies besides the sword knight. The warlock will then res everyone else. This glitch allows you to spawn the enemies needed to shoot on the other side to trigger the rewards/checkpoint. Here is a video for proof: It is also possible to cross the bridge VIA launching yourself from a totem and sword dancing across. As long as you don't sword dance near the bridge the "swordless bane" debuff won't happen. You can also do this with the knights sword with the other classes. Video with proof: Another bridge glitch: Glitch 3: Crota's end crota boss fight. It's called the "forever kneeling" glitch. Basically you have the host of the game leave while crota is going down. For whatever reason this makes Crota stay in his downed state until he is killed. You can re invite the host back to the game so he can receive the loot. Video link with proof: Second glitch: This involves the last part of the raid. Fighting crota. There is 2 ways to get around the no health regen. The first involves a sunsinger resing after everyone else dies before the timer runs out. Proof: The second method involves dupping the chalice. You can have up to five so someone with be without. Proof: Easy bridge glitch: Easy solo abyss glitch: this video is a compilation. But I grabbed it to show you how to easily solo the beginning area in the raid. I did not include the 2 spots for getting out and on top of crota's end because I don't see any potential harm with either. The only harm I could see is if you could somehow make it back far enough to the door that has the second chest and get inside. If That is possible and I find a video i'll post. Until then these are the only glitches I am aware of. And yes If my team struggles with any of these parts we will glitch. I encourage everyone else to do so as well. The more publicity these glitches get the faster they can be fixed. I'm pretty sure the reason hard mode is not possible for a month is so they have ample time to fix any exploit. Neither they nor many others want another Vex mythoclast incident. So spread the word and glitch away. Lets make this raid truly hard. EDIT: It appears my thread went from being helpful to being trash talking. I was merely trying to be helpful. I wasn't trying to state that the bugs are any less important then the exploits. I'm making this edit for 2 things. One to state that me not playing the raid yet doesn't change anything. And that 2 because of request I will re edit this post later on if it's still around to ALSO show the current known bugs. Feel free to make a neat list for me to copy and paste. Oh and if you are just going to flame me i'm ignoring and reporting from here on out. Have a wonderful day. EDIT 2. Here is a list of known bugs currently in Crota's end. Thanks to those who posted them here for me. CROTA'S END BUGS: -crota will occasionally jump down to the first level from his platform -crota will sometimes stand back up as soon as he kneels in one sweet motion of sword carrier death -knights will give 0 fvcks about that barrier while crota spawns -sometimes there is a gatekeeper on the 3rd level (right above where you spawn) -sometimes the sword disappears when you try to pick it up -sometimes the over soul will be banished then 2 seconds later kills everyone -ogres sometimes spawn after the first sword is used (they are supposed to come after 2 swords) -Experienced crota regen shields while being shot -Crota not dropping when shields are gone -Picking up the sword on the Crota fight and having it completely disappear -a Knight walking through the invisible wall at the start of the fight -The ir yut part, there's been a few times when the shriekers wouldn't spawn. -Swordbearer does not drop sword upon death -Minor glitch but on the second phase when building the bridge it says the bridge is complete, when it is not, it completes a few seconds later. Sorry If I missed any. Will update OP with more bugs or exploits as time goes by. Big thanks for everyone who actually didn't flame me or make harsh assumptions of me and stayed on topic. Nice to see this community still has a nice side. edit 3: Added a new exploit to the list. Edit 4: Added 2 new exploits. EDIT 5: Added another way to handle the bridge via exploit. It's under the first glitch section.

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  • Thanks for putting up what's wrong with the raid. There's a reason the hard mode isn't out yet so Bungie can fix all the issues before they release it.

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  • You are such a so many words come to mind let people play the way they want u scrub

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  • Edited by iNSAlloys: 12/15/2014 8:19:27 PM
    kids and being babies

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  • Second part with the bridge. You get across the bridge start to kill the gatekeeper guy and he just starts not taking any damage. Its happens to me a few times

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  • Good job! People should play the raid legit or leave it be.

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  • Man come on. I honestly don't care if they fix the cheeses, it's just a time convenience to use them, but my group is more than capable to doing it straight up again. I agree there shouldn't be any easy cheese ways, but at least have the common goddamn decency to include legitimate raid issues with this as well as the cheeses. Otherwise it just makes you look like a little shit that is telling other people how to play the game. If Bungie addresses these before they address the real problems, it'll become a joke just like VoG did.

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    • Damn snitches

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    • Delete you're Characters and sell the game dude. They should fix actual problems. Now they will (again) only fix things that don't hurt anybody -.-

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      • Those are called Exploits not Glitches. How about adding real Glitches. I got one for you, Killed a Swordbearer the other day During Crota, Went to pick it up and the shit was gone.....

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      • Post like these will make it just like the VOG fixing the so called exploits before the bugs.. Bugs still aren't fixed in the vault... Who cares how people beat it.... I wasn't smart enough to figure this stuff out I applaud these guys for thinking outside the box... Just like they did in the vault... Who cares how it's done.... And maybe attempt the raid before posting something like this...

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      • honestly it shouldn't matter to you or anyone how they beat the raid. Everyone has a different playstyle. Not everyone has 3 hours to sit down and hack at a raid. I beat this the way bungie intended but if I was short on time I wouldn't think twice about using a glitch to speed things up.

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        7 Replies
        • Shut up meg. Stop dictating how others should play the game

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          • Hah

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          • Has anyone tried the warlock res glitch on the wizard while he's preparing his song of death or whatever?

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            • Edited by TmcNecrosis: 12/15/2014 7:27:19 PM
              When I approach Crota he does not immediately die. That is an issue. I also do not receive loot for multiple runs, which should be changed for myself only.

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            • I thought this would be a post about the terrible glitches that force you to wipe and be extremely frustrated. But no you're just letting bungie fix cheesing before ACTUAL PROBLEMS. Gtfoh guy

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            • You suck

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            • Why did you tell them!!

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            • Edited by SmokeShadow_27: 12/15/2014 7:53:17 PM
              I don't know who's worse: the skrubs that need these tactics, or the snitches that report them. Edit: Yeah, the snitches are definitely worse. Skrubs are gonna be screwed when these are patched, while the rest of us keep beating the raid with no problems. They'll have to adjust. But snitches.... snitches just never change, and they sure as hell don't help anybody out. OP is snitching about a raid he hasn't even attempted yet. SMDH

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              • You couldn't wait a week or two... really?

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              • Your a -blam!- for making this

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                • How people complete the raid is their business , you can look up my stats and see that I haven't completed the raid . But for someone to post this nonsense cause they are butt hurt makes no sense. Bungie can figure this out on thier own and don't need a self proclaimed spokesman to do it for them .... Js .

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                  • Crotas end blows nuts when compared to the vault of glass. Its to short, and were just teleported from section to section, how lame. This raid shows little to zero effort on bungies part and makes me wonder how shitty house of wolves will be. The new PS exclusive strike is more entertaining than this pos

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                  • I'm almost 100% positive Bungie has a whole QA team dedicated to searching out exploits to patch. Do you really think you're doing something special here? They knew about all this before you posted... Are you looking for a free emblem for being the exploit snitch? While I believe that the raid should be played legitimately you as a gamer should be pointing out the flaws in the raids that cause people to have to find cheese locations. How about pointing out all the things that screws the legitimate player? For instance Ogres spawning after one sword pick up, or another, the sword disappearing immediately after the sword bearer has been killed. Not to mention the multiple flaws in VOG that pooped on our squad basically every run. You're not accomplishing anything with this post except for making yourself look like a donkey.

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                    • Edited by ARCHER444: 12/15/2014 3:23:53 PM
                      You're an idiot. Who are you to determine how the raid is 'supposed' to be played??? Are you not capable of knowing that most raids have several ways to be beat through team work? How do you think these 'glitches' were found???? How about if these 'glitches' were actually meant to be the way to beat the raid??? Yes Grasshopper, I'm sure your mind has been blown. The pioneers who suffered endless wipes to find a strategy that 'beats' the checkpoint with ease should be admired and rewarded- not chastised for solving the puzzle. I for one will honor their hard-earned sacrifice, and thank them for sharing their strategies, by continuing to use them in the raid. I would like to personally thank every cheeseballer out their for my raid gear and weapons! Salute to all of you! And may all whiny little f-tard's like the OP go cry more tears about how it's not fair that my raid gear and weapons were not 'earned'- my Vex is just as good as yours in the end. By the way Captain Obvious- the 'Vex incident' was a result of whining PvP players who were getting destroyed by it. Even if everyone with a Vex got it legit- it would have still been nerfed thanks to PvP. *Drops mic, walks away like a boss...

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