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Edited by Knight Raime: 1/6/2015 4:30:20 PM

Crota's end glitch collection

The point of this thread is to make aware of all known current glitches possible in the new DLC raid crota's end. The reason I am posting this information is because I want crota's end to be a true raid. It already has the potential to be a better raid then VoG. This one requires MUCH more communication and punishes you harder for mistakes. I want everyone who gets the loot from the raid to feel like they earned it. Instead of the quality being deminished because people just cheesed it. First glitch: It is possible to cheese the second part with the totems and the big bridge. One way is to use a warlock fireborn at the last second when everyone else is dead. This despawns all enemies besides the sword knight. The warlock will then res everyone else. This glitch allows you to spawn the enemies needed to shoot on the other side to trigger the rewards/checkpoint. Here is a video for proof: It is also possible to cross the bridge VIA launching yourself from a totem and sword dancing across. As long as you don't sword dance near the bridge the "swordless bane" debuff won't happen. You can also do this with the knights sword with the other classes. Video with proof: Another bridge glitch: Glitch 3: Crota's end crota boss fight. It's called the "forever kneeling" glitch. Basically you have the host of the game leave while crota is going down. For whatever reason this makes Crota stay in his downed state until he is killed. You can re invite the host back to the game so he can receive the loot. Video link with proof: Second glitch: This involves the last part of the raid. Fighting crota. There is 2 ways to get around the no health regen. The first involves a sunsinger resing after everyone else dies before the timer runs out. Proof: The second method involves dupping the chalice. You can have up to five so someone with be without. Proof: Easy bridge glitch: Easy solo abyss glitch: this video is a compilation. But I grabbed it to show you how to easily solo the beginning area in the raid. I did not include the 2 spots for getting out and on top of crota's end because I don't see any potential harm with either. The only harm I could see is if you could somehow make it back far enough to the door that has the second chest and get inside. If That is possible and I find a video i'll post. Until then these are the only glitches I am aware of. And yes If my team struggles with any of these parts we will glitch. I encourage everyone else to do so as well. The more publicity these glitches get the faster they can be fixed. I'm pretty sure the reason hard mode is not possible for a month is so they have ample time to fix any exploit. Neither they nor many others want another Vex mythoclast incident. So spread the word and glitch away. Lets make this raid truly hard. EDIT: It appears my thread went from being helpful to being trash talking. I was merely trying to be helpful. I wasn't trying to state that the bugs are any less important then the exploits. I'm making this edit for 2 things. One to state that me not playing the raid yet doesn't change anything. And that 2 because of request I will re edit this post later on if it's still around to ALSO show the current known bugs. Feel free to make a neat list for me to copy and paste. Oh and if you are just going to flame me i'm ignoring and reporting from here on out. Have a wonderful day. EDIT 2. Here is a list of known bugs currently in Crota's end. Thanks to those who posted them here for me. CROTA'S END BUGS: -crota will occasionally jump down to the first level from his platform -crota will sometimes stand back up as soon as he kneels in one sweet motion of sword carrier death -knights will give 0 fvcks about that barrier while crota spawns -sometimes there is a gatekeeper on the 3rd level (right above where you spawn) -sometimes the sword disappears when you try to pick it up -sometimes the over soul will be banished then 2 seconds later kills everyone -ogres sometimes spawn after the first sword is used (they are supposed to come after 2 swords) -Experienced crota regen shields while being shot -Crota not dropping when shields are gone -Picking up the sword on the Crota fight and having it completely disappear -a Knight walking through the invisible wall at the start of the fight -The ir yut part, there's been a few times when the shriekers wouldn't spawn. -Swordbearer does not drop sword upon death -Minor glitch but on the second phase when building the bridge it says the bridge is complete, when it is not, it completes a few seconds later. Sorry If I missed any. Will update OP with more bugs or exploits as time goes by. Big thanks for everyone who actually didn't flame me or make harsh assumptions of me and stayed on topic. Nice to see this community still has a nice side. edit 3: Added a new exploit to the list. Edit 4: Added 2 new exploits. EDIT 5: Added another way to handle the bridge via exploit. It's under the first glitch section.

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  • Aaaaand you're a virgin.

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  • Thank you for making such an important thread

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  • Edited by Iovino89: 1/8/2015 11:51:49 PM
    Thank you. I agree 10000% I want this patched ASAP. It ruins the whole concept. Its meant to be a challenge.

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  • Edited by STARWoLF00: 1/8/2015 9:35:57 AM
    "waaahhh waahhh, Me don't like the way other people play the game that they paid for the way they like. " Dude get over yourself. Who are you? Internet police? Mr. I've got an xbox one and I'm mad at ps4 exclusives guy? Come off it. We do crota legit and cheese it when were are tired and worn out. No matter which way I feel the same way afterwards. Don't bitch about the raid being broken, bitch about the lack of anything else in this game to do, other than crucible and guess what the raid. Also: To all the "I like fighting the deathsinger" chumps moaning about people using the crota checkpoint: get your thumbs out of your asses. No one likes doing the deathsinger because it is quite hard, even with all 32's, and we get no loot drops for it. Who wants to go through all of the bullshit getting chopped and shot up by a billion knights and acolytes without getting a reward? Sure, you get 4 drops the first time you beat crota, but afterwards you only get one or two items.....just like VOG. Deathsinger is like the Gorgon maze: Irrelevant, a pain in the ass, boring,( although not as ridiculous in its conception), and guess what? Unrewarding! The difference? Deathsinger is 10X harder. Basically: Crota checkpoint is not cheating or cheesing. Get over yourselves. Lol, silly Internet self righteous do-gooders. EDIT: Question, Why is the hard raid going to be all level 33 when raid gear maxes out at level 32? VOG was capped at the max level that its gear dropped. Are you planning on screwing people over by dropping new with more light and forcing people to spend another 2-3 weeks re-farming stupid radiant shards?

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    2 Replies
    • I literally HATE people like you, and you even have yourself! i know you're like what the hell is this guy talking about, I'll explain. You sir are a VILLIAN! you have the same logic and thought process of a dictator. Hitler also felt like everyone should do things the way he thought they should be done.......and we see where that went.Did you root for darth vader in the star wars movies? probably not because he was the bad guy, but here you are with the exact same logic. I have no doubt that if you COULD force us all to play your way you WOULD!!! Why don't you leave america and go to cuba or north korea ? you then could live under the type of dictatorship that you would impose on us. If you don't want to cheese crota ,fine I respect that, but stop trying to impose your will on others. Not trying to troll or flame you just want you to see how this comes across. this is a video game so please save your holier than thou attitude and get off your high horse. let people have fun the way they want to have fun. If I cheese crota it does not effect you in the slightest. And you may feel it's not fair to those who have done it legit, to that i'll say this... the game setup isn't fair to everyone. the raids are cool and all but you can't reach 32 without doing crotas end MULTIPLE TIMES. Everyone dosent have five friends to beat the raid with and even if you may have the five friends they may all be in different time zones. Also what if you aren't a kid and you have a job and small children? you most likely don't have time to sink 2-3 hours in on one mission. basically put the raid is not for everyone but they made it a necessity which is not fair.

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      13 Replies
      • Edited by Jeepmen103: 1/8/2015 8:08:41 PM
        When does the CE Shrieker hallway door timer start? -When you first enter the hallway? -After the first shrieker first opens? -When the first shrieker is killed/first wall drops? -After the second shrieker opens? Edit: according to this video, the 20secs door timer starts after the first Shrieker is killed. Anyone agree or disagree?

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        3 Replies
        • I understand peoples aversion to it, but gamers are -blam!-ing smart man. They will fix the glitches and guess what, people will find new ways to make it easier. Sure you can't push the Templar off anymore, but hell gamers worked around that and now you can stay up top and just snipe the -blam!-er. Kudos to the shield bearer's though, down at the bottom wrecking harpies and what not. Anyways, point is gamers are a clever bunch. There will always be ways to work around challenges and who are we to scold or look down on people that were smart enough to figure this stuff out.

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          • Edited by Nithelo: 1/12/2015 12:48:03 AM
            Need 2 more for crota cheese quick and easy 31+ just need dps to do it quickly. Gt same as above.

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          • I stand for this. If you need to exploit your way to greatness you're a loser. The raid is not hard. Play it as intended. I could understand if it were absolutely undoable without a group of all 31-32 players but its not.. sack up gaurdians. Quit being window lickers.

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            • Student - "hey teacher you forgot to ask for our homework" Everyone else - "unbelievable"

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              • Your first sentence explains why this thread should not have been started. They patched the exploits in VOG, but never fixed the problems with the actual mechanics. Teleported with detainment, health regenerating minotaur, relic holder losing super during atheon fight, can't move in detainment during templar fight, and probably more than I can't think of. None of these are fixed. I frankly don't care how you, your friends or your grandma beats the raid. Cheese the living shit out of it for I care, as long as it has all the gameplay glitches worked out. You stated you haven't played the new raid yet. Therefore, you have absolutely no idea how frustrating it is to have Crota down to a sliver of health and have the sword glitch so you can't pick it up and have to wipe. Or how about a whole fireteam of 6 with 50 mbps + connections lagging like a bunch of COD players in the boss fight. Bungie, put the cheese methods on the side burning, and please fix the actual problems with not only Crota's end, but VOG as well. Some of use still like to go back and have a relaxing VOG run for fun still. lol P.S. i Re-read this post with the knowledge that you hasn't even tried the raid yet unlike the first time I read it. Wow do you sound like a complete douche. You're literally trying to control how everyone plays a game that you haven't even attempted. "I want everyone who gets the loot from the raid to feel like they earned it. Instead of the quality being deminished because people just cheesed it." ------GTFOH "I'm pretty sure the reason hard mode is not possible for a month is so they have ample time to fix any exploit." ----No shit sherlock. PPS. lol I sound like a dick here, I know this. lol I'm really not. It's just frustrating knowing that bungie with use all there fixes on the exploits and never fix the real problems just like VOG. Peace out and go to the recruitment thread to play this shit already slacker.

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                55 Replies
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                  "I want people to feel like you earned your gear" Well sorry. But who are you again? Who gives a shit what you want, honestly. Let people do their thing man. Regardless of how you feel. People make their own choices in a game. Easy way, hard way, fast way, ect. What difference does it make to you? There are still so many problems with this game since launch, yet you decide to make a page about the ones that can help players. Lol. You're pathetic. But. But. It's not the right way. It's not legit. Only scrubs have to cheat. Blah blah blah. News flash. It's life. It's diversity. Some people are lazy. Some people enjoy a challenge. What difference does it make going from point A to point D and skipping a few letters? None at all to you. Next time I "glitch" in crota I'll send you a message apologizing. I know it ruins your game when I play mine differently than you. Oh wait.....

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                  18 Replies
                  • Thanks for the list of bugs (though some are duplicated, so it should be consolidated). Hope Bungie reads this and addresses the bugs. As for the exploits, the upcoming patch will fix most of them. Namely the light pillar launch, bridge part despawns and skips, and crota's forever kneel. With that said, I'm sure it's a matter of hours before people find another way to cheese.

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                    • I am going to comment here and try to stay as impartial as possible. Whichever opinion you hold onto, there is never any reason to resort to violence. In this case, I refer to the insulting, derogatory remarks that are displayed here. Legit gameplay or cheesing gameplay; it doesn't matter. Bungie should fix what Bungie will fix. They listen to comments and reports and make their own decisions. Feel free to voice your opinions. A free country is a free country. But with that privilege should and does come responsibility. Not everyone likes everyone. That's fine. But flaming others will not make your point heard. It will simply be ignored. This goes for both the original poster and any repliers. Original Poster: It is my firm OPINION that you are in fact taking away from the game. This is how. The "cheeses" you are mentioning are not game breaking. They are a part of the game. Oblivion Elder Scrolls was a perfect example. Bethesda eventually cleaned out the glitches (most of them) but like it or not, they added hundreds upon hundreds of additional gamers. Getting higher than the buildings using paint brushes? Game breaking? No, but a hell of a lot of fun. Cheating? An interesting analogy someone once used was "The Matrix". Was Neo cheating? (Forgive the fantastical analogy but we are talking about a video game here). Sure he was. But he was the good guy. There are those who cheese. Why? Because they can and they want to explore the game and all of its mechanics to the full. Easier than legit? Lol. Not likely. The Crota cheese from what I've heard can take several attempts and can still be soured by an incompetent player. The lamps? Lol again. I've seen dozens of wipes from failed attempts. Bungie has not and will not ban for "cheesing". Why? Because they don't care. Jailbreak your xbox? Edit the code of the game? Different story but based mainly on copyright issues. Giving them cheeses to fix only makes the game better. Very few cheeses in the VoG now but every player I meet isn't pissed, but fondly reminisces about Atheon's shoddy footwork. It's fun. And every game will have it. And should have it. It's the journey. I am a "legit 32" and have 2 "legit 31s". Who cares? Bungie has clearly shown they don't. They cared about people connecting. Not about what they did when they got there. Months it took to correct cheeses. They wanted people to play their game. Who cares why or how? (As long as it is done legally of course). No offence to be take here. Just my opinion. To the replier: Although I agree with some of your thoughts, I completely disagree with your approach. Insulting, derogatory comments only make yourself look juvenile. (Feel free to call me names for saying this and thus proving my point). Just as Bungie doesn't care about "cheesing", why do you care so much about what a faceless poster says? Caring so much to get emotional? I saw Hitler being mentioned here. Seriously? A little too much melo drama for a XBone post. And hurtful too. So both sides, just relax. Enjoy the game. Bungie has not released even a statement saying, "Please don't cheese Crota. It hurts our feelings". They won't. They'll fix the glitches and try to refine the experience they hope everyone will enjoy. But there will be people who enjoy it different ways. The VoG to this day is till filled with surprises. I doubt we have found them all. We haven't even found the legit things to cheese yet. But we will. And we will cheese them. And Bungie will fix it. Then we will legit do it again. We love this game. We will play it through trial and fire and cheese and whine. (Lol). On a side note...please don't involve the "skill" discussion when talking about cheesing or doing it legit. Skill can be measured many different ways. Technically, video game testers are very "skilled" and yet essentially one of the aspects of their jobs is to cheese indefinitely. Crucible? Vanguard? Raid? Skill where? If it discomforts you to play with "cheesers", expand your friends list or create a recruitment forum for "non-cheesers". Enjoy all and have a wonderful day. My GamerTag is MasterAtreu on XBL and I play XBone all the time. I am highly experienced and "skilled". Lol. At what? You pick. Hit me up no matter what you're doing. I love to PLAY and don't take this seriously. I seriously regret spending this much time on a single post, but hey was waiting for a strike to start. Peace out!

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                      4 Replies
                      • You're the dude who itemizes and reports every internet purchase on his taxes aren't ya?

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                        • Just happened

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                        • ok i have a question for the first part is it cheesing to use the lamp to launch yourself up to the 2nd level? or use the hunter with dont touch me and run stealth all the way to the end jump on a rock snipe the ogres and run across? i find it fun but some call it legit others call it cheesing and im kinda confused ones usong a game mechanic to an advantage and the other is using a class how it should be used

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                          4 Replies
                          • You're talking about a video game. Where people spend their time to relax after a day's work. Where people go to socialize with their friends. A video game. Not real life. A video game. You're upset because people have found ways to make the game easier and more fun. A video game. This isn't real life where taking a shortcut at work can be the difference between life and death (doctors). Where taking a shortcut during construction can be the difference between the building sustaining or collapsing. A video game. You're hurt and upset over a video game. Where YOU can play it the way you want or the way people have found to make it easier. A video gamer. A VIDEO GAME. Not real life. A VIDEO GAME! Practice?! Practice? You're taking about practice. [spoiler]- Allen Iverson[/spoiler] In all honesty. People need to just let it go. You do you and I'll do me. I've joined groups who have done it both ways. It doesn't matter to me. It's like speed running a video game. You can choose to play it your way or you can choose to play it the "cheesers" way. Both ways are fun. Don't let if affect you man. You're gonna have a real hard time in the "real world" if you let something like a video game bother or upset you.

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                            • The ogres are on a timer.. not based on number of swords used. Just saying...

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                              6 Replies
                              • I glitched on your mums face.

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                                • Yu ferget du glich wer I fuhk yo mum

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                                  • At the death singer or Crota part for that matter you can use the rocks to completely leave the game area. I spent about an hour exploring and you can pretty much walk all around the outside of the raid. I even found the timed chest room. Not much can come of this but still a glitch.

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                                  • Why do you insist on interfering with something that is not your call to make?

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                                      Well what to ya know, it's a Christmas noob.

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                                      • Exploits shouldn't be fixed. If people want to use them, it doesn't hurt the game. I could beat the game legit, it will just take longer. These raids aren't so exciting that doing them honorably adds that much to it. I do these for the weapons and armor. Honestly they just get frustrating and tedious after you do them due to bugs, glitches and repetition.

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