Well, what a piece of shit this dlc was. For 19.99 you get like 2 strikes (1 for xbox) 5 story missions which take 20 minutes and have no cutscences and dont help with the plot. The only good things were 2 of the mp maps and the raid. Cods dlc is 14.99 and offers more content per piece. The story missions follow the same repetative formula of just shooting. From this we can tell that bungie ingnored our complaints and you can tell that these missions were locked for dlc because of the lack of story and same mission structure. Strikes feel the same and the multiplayers maps have the same feel except for skywatch which is a snipe fest which I like. In conclusion this dlc is a slap to the face to fans and shows the greed of both bungie and activision.
So if cod is 15 bucks and you get 4 mp maps and Maybe a zombies map if there is zombies tell me that's more than new exotics legendaries rare and guns of all sorts